Elaine Ingham Webinar this Thursday! Plus, check out our secret future class lineup...

Published: Mon, 09/12/16

Hey Regenerative Folks,
Hope you all had a great weekend
and spent more time outside than on Facebook.

So, it’s a big week here for the 
Sustainable Design Masterclass.

For one, we’ve got a great speaker lineup
 planned out for the next few months, and two...

We have the one and only Dr. Elaine
Ingham on teaching this week!​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​For those who haven’t register yet, definitely join,
because Dr. Ingham is going to impart decades
of soil restoration research into a
45 minute, practical presentation,
with a live Q&A after.

Being Real:
So we wanted to be honest and upfront with all of you.
In the upcoming webinar with Elaine,
she’ll be teaching as well as pitching
an exclusive offer for her class.

Most upcoming webinars 
we do will not have a pitch,
but some will.

For anyone who buys, we appreciate
it, because it allows us to keep the class
free, and pay for the best Regenerative
System Designers to come on and just teach.​​​​​​​

Top Secret Future Class Schedule
So...we’ve got an awesome lineup for the next 
few months.

 We’ve signed up the top educators
on Drylands Restoration, Mycology, Regenerative
Business Models, Exotic Plants & Perennial Cultivation,
and Nutrient Dense Gardening...

Though the ink is still drying, we’ll give you a sneak peak...

Have an amazing week, and hope to see you on the Webinar!
Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman 
“Imagine a better world, then design it"