Building Your Dream Pond: Webinar with Grant Schultz & Neal Spackman

Published: Mon, 08/22/16

Hey Regenerative Designers,
Hope your weekend was fantastic.  For those of you
who tuned into our last webinar with Matt Powers, we had a great time
learning about low stress gardening…

But THIS week, we’re talking about
water management, more specifically, POND BUILDING.

Ponds are undeniably one of the greatest sources of beauty,
water security, and biodiversity on any piece of land.

 A well built pond brings life, joy, and piece of mind.

However for many of us, the ability to build a pond seems 
out of reach...either because the cost is too high, the design and build
process seems too intimidating, or we simply lack the space.

That’s why this week, we’re excited to collaborate with land designer
and pond builder: Grant Schultz.

Grant is going to help smash through your doubts and fears
about pond building,

and show you a straight forward way to Design, Build,
and Pay for your dream pond.

For those of you fantasize about building an amazing pond on your land,
this webinar will be an opportunity you can’t miss.
Have an amazing Monday, and hope to see you on the Webinar!
Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman
“Imagine a better world, then design it"