An Update from Neal Spackman: Thanks for being part of the class the last few months.

Published: Tue, 10/11/16

Dear SDM Followers,
 I had the pleasure of co-teaching at Grant Schultz's Farmscale Permaculture Course in Iowa.  Raleigh was there assisting, and so we've been able to put our heads together for the first time since March.  I'm excited about what we've got coming up, but here are the coming changes.

    1. Within the next month, nearly every webinar we do will be free for 48 hours once we have done the live version.  After that, they will be available to download for a small price from our website (also being revamped!)  and potentially other sources as well.  Those who present webinars will have the option to share in the revenues from these downloads in perpetuity.  This allows us to do two things-

    First, the presenters will have a greater incentive to produce new and high quality material, since their pay depends on the # of paid downloads.  

    Second, we will eventually have enough revenue that we can hire a team to produce better material and to get on presenters who demand high speaker fees.   

    2.  To get started off, I am going to redo the first webinar we did, which is 10 Keys to Greening Any Desert.  I have some new material to show, and we'll be able to do it with higher quality video and audio (last time we were using glitchy software).  We will have more details on that early next week. 

    3.  I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you and speaking to some of you on facebook in the last few weeks.  It's really a pleasure for me to hear your positive feedback and useful to hear the negative feedback as well. 

    If I haven't heard from any of you yet, please feel free to write me back,  or tell us about yourself with the form below.
I'm very excited to share what we have planned in the coming months, because we're going to pour our time, energy, and passion into producing an exciting series with your help.
Keep on keeping on,
and may we all work toward a more resilient and sustainable future.