An Ecological Crop for a Whole Village: Moringa Farming in Uganda (Webinar Thursday with Aaron Elton and Neal Spackman)

Published: Tue, 11/15/16

Hey Folks, Good Mornin'
Hope your Tuesday is going well,
wanted to send you some info about an exciting
webinar team-up we're doing this Thursday.

Neal is teaming up with Aaron Elton
to do a webinar on Regenerative Moringa
Farming in Uganda.  

This should be an interesting webinar not just 
because of the subject (Regenerative Moringa Farming)
but because of Aaron's background.

    Aaron, like most of us, started his journey into Regenerative Design
short on experience, and long on inspiration.  He was a journalist that wanted to alleviate poverty in rural Uganda with Regenerative Farming.

    Little by little, Aaron gained experience and trust in the village he worked with in Uganda, until he won support to build an Agroforestry school and a Moringa Farm.  

​​​​​​​    Several years after starting the project, Aaron is starting to see traction with his Moringa farm, his Agroforestry school, and his community.

    Aaron aims for his farm to be the lynch pin of a community enterprise, that can pull rural villagers out of poverty with Moringa products.  

    If you want to know what the journey of starting a social enterprise is like, then definitely join us on this week's class.

Also, many of you didn't get a chance to watch the third Terraforming webinar because of a technical glitch.  That's why I'll be leaving the link up till Thursday for those who want to check it out.

Password: culture
Have a great week, and hope to see you Thursday.

-Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman

Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing till the end of the year.  These are going to be awesome!

November- "The Drylands"

November 17--Aaron Elton on Moringa Farming in Uganda

November 25--Nic & Maria Netien on Olive/Carob polycultures in Cyprus

December- "Farming Ecology"

December 1--Peter McCoy from Radical Mycology

December 8 Richard Perkins of "Making Small Farms Work"

December 15--Peter Allen from Mastodon Valley Farm 

December 29 John D Liu Regenerating Ecosystems

​​​​​​​January 5 Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute

 Neal Spackman and Raleigh Latham