Terraforming the Desert (Part 2) Webinar Replay

Published: Fri, 11/04/16

Greetings Everybody
Wanted to say thank you for 
everyone who showed up for
our webinar yesterday, we 
had a great time putting it on.

Neal gave one of the most
incredible presentations I have ever
seen.  He even introduced a scientific
concept that you won't hear about
in publications: Closed Loop Watersheds.​​​​​​​

   From the Deserts of Saudi Arabia, to the Sierra Nevada's of California, the implications of Neal's work are staggering.

    As we looks into the future of a changing climate, many of us wonder, is it still possible to flip desert ecologies into something more productive and conducive to long term habitation?

    According to Neal's work, the answer is yes.  

    We can make it rain in the desert...given the right design and the right conditions...if we restore the ecology.

    In some of the harshest dryland environments on Earth, it is possible to restore arable land, watersheds, and regenerative economies with the right investment and systems in place.

    If the science and practice of Terraforming interest you, then definitely check out the replay, which will be free till Monday.

Next Thursday, we'll do part 3 of our Ecosystem Regeneration Series.  It will be about
bridging cultures, and setting up people systems to support ecosystem regeneration.

As Neal said, "Compared to people systems, restoring the environment is the easy part."

Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing till the end of the year.  We'll email you each monday the week of the webinar so you can register.

November- "The Drylands"

November 10--Neal Spackman on Culture Framework and People Systems (Ecosystem Regeneration Part 3)

November 17--Aaron Elton on Moringa Farming in Uganda

November 24--Nic & Maria Netien on Olive/Carob polycultures in Cyprus

December- "Farming Ecology"

December 1--Peter McCoy from Radical Mycology

December 8 Richard Perkins of "Making Small Farms Work"

December 15--Peter Allen from Mastodon Valley Farm 

Have a great weekend, and keep designing a better world, 
Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman