Extreme Dry Climate, High Value Farming WEBINAR REPLAY! + We're in the news!

Published: Sun, 11/27/16

Hey All,
    Sustainable Design Masterclass hosted an amazing webinar with Nicolas Netien, a drylands farmer in Cyprus growing olive and carob polycultures.  Nicolas taught how he cooperates with nature to a world-record olive oil with the most polyphenols per liter on the planet.  

​​​​​​​Some of the highlights were:
  • How Nic uses wild birds to grow wild asparagus, a high-dollar, hard-to-grow delicacy in Cyprus
  • Nic’s awesome irrigation system, including silt-traps that collect his potting soil for him.
  • The techniques Nic has used to create a thriving polyculture even though the last year has only had 3 mm of rainfall—that’s barely over 1/10 of an inch!
  • Nic’s methods for harvesting and pressing one of the highest-value olive oils in the world from young kalamon-variety trees .  (Rated Healthiest in the World!)
 This was a fantastic webinar, and in fact, and  it was even featured on the
 For those who missed it, you can watch it for free till Wednesday, afterwards we'll put in up for download on demand.

Also, for those of you who want to get in contact with Nicolas (or buy the healthiest Olive Oil in the world wholesale), you can email him at ([email protected]) or follow him on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/atsasorganic)

Have a Great Weekend and Keep Designing a Better World

-Neal Spackman & Raleigh Latham
2. Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing till the end of the year.  These are going to be awesome.  You can register and share through the links below.

December- "Farming Ecology"

December 1--Peter McCoy from Radical Mycology

December 8 Richard Perkins of "Making Small Farms Work"

December 15--Peter Allen from Mastodon Valley Farm 

December 22 John D Liu Regenerating Ecosystems

​​​​​​​January 5 Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute