Mass Ecosystem Regeneration (Webinar with John Liu, Neal Spackman and Raleigh Latham)

Published: Mon, 12/19/16

Morning Regeneration Fanatics,
   This week we have a very special presentation that​​​​​​​
we've been looking forward to for a long time.  

We have John D Liu, Filmmaker and Ecosystem Restoration Educator
joining us, and sharing a new plan for decentralized
Ecosystem Restoration.

    From China to Rwanda, John has been covering Ecosystem Restoration projects which have restored massive areas of degraded land into productive ecosystems.  

Now he'll be sharing a pathway for large scale Restoration we can all be involved in.

    If you haven't seen some of John's work, it is extraordinary.  One of his most famous films is, "Hope in a Changing Climate", which covers the restoration of over 35,000 square kilometers in China's Loess Plateu.

    In this presentation, John will be showing us exclusive restoration footage, and telling us about his Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative, which could offer a model to decentrally scale Restoration across the world.  If you want to be inspired, and act, then definitely join us Thursday, at 5:00PM PST. 
SDM is slowly getting its online footprint set up—we have a new website launching soon, a few media efforts that we’ll launch, and some really exciting speakers we are lining up for next year.  This week we got all our previous webinars up on demand—if you’ve missed any I recommend checking them out here.​​​​​​​
Hope to see you all on Thursday.  As always we welcome your feedback and love to hear from you. 
-Raleigh and Neal

Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing till the end of the year.  These are going to be awesome.  You can register and share through the links below.

December- "Farming Ecology"

December 22 John D Liu Regenerating Ecosystems

​​​​​​​January 5 Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute