Global Ecosystem Regeneration WEBINAR REPLAY (With John Liu, Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman)

Published: Sat, 12/24/16

Happy Holidays Folks,
We just had an incredible presentation 
with John Liu, who outlined his
vision for a global, decentralized 
model of Ecosystem Restoration.

John's vision and his plan for Ecosystem
Regeneration is one of the most inspiring
things I've ever seen in my life.  John
is proving that we can restore Ecosystems
en masse, and restore habitable, stable
communities and economies across the Earth.  It is not
a question of feasibility, but a question of will.

Check out his presentation (with video!) because
it is a can't miss. 

    We're keeping this presentation open and free forever, as a gift to everybody.  

Give it a watch, and be inspired.
    If you watched the presentation, and decide you want to help contribute to the Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative, then click the button below.  

    To become a cooperative member, they are asking a commitment of 137 Euros.  The money goes towards the funding and upkeep of the first Ecosystem Restoration Camp in Spain.  I signed up because I think it's an amazing cause that deserves support.
P.S. As an additional gift, John has shared every film and presentation he as ever made FOR FREE.
His library is available HERE
SDM is slowly getting its online footprint set up—we have a new website launching soon, a few media efforts that we’ll launch, and some really exciting speakers we are lining up for next year.  We've got all our previous webinars up on demand, for those who missed a few and want to re-watch.
Enjoy the Holidays and see you in the coming year!
-Raleigh and Neal

Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing in 2017.  You can register and share through the links below.

​​​​​​​January- Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute (Date TBD)