Happy New Year from the Sustainable Design Masterclass

Published: Fri, 01/06/17

Greetings Everybody
Happy New Year!
It's been a great year for me and Raleigh getting Sustainable Design Masterclass off the ground in 2016, and we greatly appreciate your support and the time you've given us in our webinars.

It's hard to believe that when we started this experiment 13 months ago, that we would have almost 5000 people signed up to attend our classes.  We're truly grateful. 

We are taking a few weeks off in January to focus on getting our site up and some behind-the-curtain things ironed out, after which we will be back to weekly webinars and a few extra things as well.  

John Liu's webinar last week was a fantastic overview of what we are hoping to support in our own way through SDM--the restoration of ecological function to massive areas of land through profitable regenerative agriculture.  

In 2017 we are going to have some amazing guests on the show, but we also aim to do 3 things that will be different....

First, we aim to set up a private shark tank series for people with relevant business ideas and venture capitalists interested in regenerative business.  

Second, we are going to do a series of themes--one related to finance, budgeting, farm planning, and the difference in designing for enterprises as opposed to designing for homesteads. 

Third we hope to highlight farmers who have are undergoing generational transitions and transitioning from conventional to sustainable ag models.  

These are two crucial transitions happening around the world--farmland being passed on from older to younger generations, and farmland transitioning from industrial agriculture to ecological agricultures.  The existing models and frameworks of people who have succesfully undergone these transitions are incredibly useful and crucial knowledge that I want to help get out.  

If you or someone you know has relevant experience in any of the above ideas, we'd love to know about them and highlight them on the show.  You can contact me ([email protected]) or Raleigh ([email protected]) for suggestions and information.  

In the meantime, Happy New Year from us at Sustainable Design Masterclass.
-Neal & Raleigh

P.S. As an additional gift, John Liu has shared every film and presentation he as ever made FOR FREE.
His library is available HERE
SDM is slowly getting its online footprint set up—we have a new website launching soon, a few media efforts that we’ll launch, and some really exciting speakers we are lining up for next year.  We've got all our previous webinars up on demand, for those who missed a few and want to re-watch.


Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing in 2017.  You can register and share through the links below.

​​​​​​​January- Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute (Date TBD)