Richard Perkins (Making Small Farms Work) Webinar Replay!

Published: Fri, 12/09/16

Hey Folks,
   Thanks for joining us yesterday for our webinar
with Richard Perkins.  For those of you who couldn't
make it, it was 2 1/2 hours of pure wisdom.

 From design, to ecology, to business modeling, Richard went above and beyond to show what made his farm work holistically.

   For those of you who want to get into farming, or homesteading on a small-medium scale, Richard's presentation is the perfect primer as to what it takes to get a farm up and running profitably, ecologically, and socially.

    Richard set up in one of the most expensive, and regulatory heavy places imaginable (Sweden) but through careful business planning and hardwork, he was able to set up his family farm operation to pay for itself within the first year.  

    As Richard said, it's not easy by any means.  But it is possible.

(Webinar is free to rewatch till Monday Night) 
SDM is slowly getting its online footprint set up—we have a new website launching soon, a few media efforts that we’ll launch, and some really exciting speakers we are lining up for next year.  This week we got all our previous webinars up on demand—if you’ve missed any I recommend checking them out here.​​​​​​​
Have a great weekend and we'll see you soon! 
-Raleigh and Neal
Here's the breakdown of webinars we're doing till the end of the year.  These are going to be awesome.  You can register and share through the links below.

December- "Farming Ecology"

December 15--Peter Allen from Mastodon Valley Farm 

December 22 John D Liu Regenerating Ecosystems

​​​​​​​January 5 Kay Baxter of the Koanga Institute