Dr. Elaine Ingham returns with an exclusive webinar on Thursday!

Published: Mon, 03/06/17

Greetings Land Restoration Fanatics,
    I have to say today we’re pretty excited, because we get to announce a webinar that’s been months in the making.  

This Thursday…Dr. Elaine Ingham is BACK!

    Last time she was on, Dr. Ingham gave a mind blowing presentation about increasing soil productivity on farms large and small.  This time, she’s going to go into practical lessons for how you can restore your soil with compost teas, and give us a few more case studies of dramatic, large scale soil restoration.

 What's so particularly exciting about this class is that it features an all new, original 90 minute presentation from
Dr. Ingham!

   In a world of extreme temperatures swings and degrading soil, Dr. Ingham’s lessons are absolutely crucial.  The ability to analyze your  own soil and create custom compost treatments can help restore degraded land back to fertility, and even buffer it against weather extremes.  If your farm, ranch, homestead, or property depends on healthy soil, or if you’re just interested in soil restoration, then definitely, DEFINITELY join us this Thursday, at 11:00 AM PST.

     We also like to be totally transparent with you all, and that means Elaine is also going to do a pitch for her Life in the Soils Class before her Q&A. We hope none of you ever feel pressured. Pitching allows us to bring on speakers who are normally out of our reach, and only when we are super enthusiastic about what’s being promoted. 

This class is going to be very special though, it’ll be more advanced than a general webinar, with original content never before seen, and alot of time set aside for questions afterwards.

As a special gift, we're opening the last webinar we did with Elaine as a free replay till Wednesday 

Have a great week ahead, and see a bunch of you on Thursday!
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman

Here's a preview of a few webinars coming up in 2017:

March 15- Kevin Muno

March 30- Kay Baxter
SDM is slowly getting its online footprint set up—we have a new website launching soon, a few media efforts that we’ll launch, and some really exciting speakers we are lining up for next year.  We've got all our previous webinars up on demand, for those who missed a few and want to re-watch.