WEBINAR RECAP & REPLAY: High Desert Water Security and Aquaculture with Wayne Dorband and Neal Spackman

Published: Sat, 02/11/17

Greetings Everybody,
    Thanks for joining us Thursday for our webinar with Neal and Dr. Wayne Dorband. Wayne not only delivered a fantastic case study for Aquaculture and pond building in one of the driest Areas of Colorado, but also shared his philosophy and strategy for creating ecological, land based income streams.  

The main focus of Wayne's presentation was on the "5 Ecological Keys for Water Security and Developing Enjoyable Income Streams", as an overview, here's the 5 keys:
  • Key #1 History and Observation- Researching the Past and Present to model your lands potential.
  • Key #2 Construct by Falling Forward- Think long term and fail early and often to move towards your Holistic Goal.
  • Key #3 Manage for Minimum Future Impact- Managing the entire Ecosystem.  Optimal productivity through Ecosystem balance.
  • Key #4 Harvest When Available- Be creative and harvest what the system gave you.
  • Key #5 Reap the Rewards- Work with joy so you can leave a legacy and sustainable income.
 Wayne went deep into how he approached pond construction on his 160 acre property.  Though the neighbors property was nearly barren, through his construction of Ponds, Wayne was able to restore wetlands stocked with Fish, and create springs and income streams that he enjoys working with.

    Most importantly, this presentation was about living by your ethics, and leaving a legacy for the people you care about.  In Wayne's case, he wanted to create a farm and a village that could support families in the century ahead, and he's making it happen.  

    For those who want to watch the presentation again, you can do so here:
    If you find that you enjoyed the presentation, and want to dive deep into education about Ponds, Aquaculture, and Ecological Income, Wayne has a pretty great offer, both for his daily education program (The Ecological Action Team), and his Aquaculture Course. 

    Next week Neal is delivering us a very special presentation on finding access to land and land ownership. We'll give you more details when we officially announce it next week, but it should be a great class for those interested.

Anyway, I'm going to get off the computer and walk in a forest. Have a great weekend and see you next week!

-Raleigh Latham and Neal Spackman