Elaine Ingham Part 2 Webinar Replay and Recap (With Life in the Soils Class Offer)

Published: Fri, 03/10/17

Hey there Soil Fanatics,

In case you missed it, Dr. Elaine Ingham just put on another fantastic webinar with Sustainable Design Masterclass, and we are excited to offer the replay free through Monday.    

    Elaine's 2 hour presentation involved some new case studies and visuals of people putting her teachings into practice, as well as some fundamental principles of soil science as it relates to farming, lawns, productivity, and ecological health.  

If you missed the webinar or want to view the replay, we're sharing it along with the powerpoint slides for a little while longer.

Webinar Recap:

1. Soil Foodweb Science- Elaine made important distinctions between what constitutes "dirt" which only has minerals, to "soil", which has aerobic organisms and organic matter necessary to rebuild life.  If we are to rebuild our degraded soils, then we must repair the soil food web.

2. How to Monitor Soil Health- Elaine gave a case study of a property that was able to keep it's grass lush and green without water, while the surrounding neighbors lawns were dying from drought.  This was accomplished by monitoring and adjusting the soil biology in the compost.

 3. Dramatic Examples of Large Scale Soil Restoration- Elaine gave several brilliant examples of large ranches that were able to turn severely degraded paddocks into highly productive, optimal grasslands.  She also gave examples of a Dairy that was able to turn its mounting waste problem into a compost goldmine.  Farmers that once were at the brink of losing it all were able to save their livelihoods by restoring their soil biology.

  4. Ideal Composting Methods that Builds Soil and Overcomes Weeds- Some of the eye-opening examples of what compost can do were shown in two case studies of a grass-fed cattle ranch, and a converted conventional to organic farm in Australia.  Severely degraded grass was turned around into healthy, nitrogen fixing paddocks that could be grazed several times in a month.  In the organic farm's case, a compost tea treatment was made that suppressed weeds across the board.

This was only a fraction of what Dr. Ingham talked about in the presentation, so I encourage you all to watch the replay while it's still available. It will be time well spent. 



For those of you who want to learn more from Dr. Ingham, she is offering a massive 50% discount on her online courses through SDM, also good until Monday.  I personally took advantage of this offer back in October, and am starting to put into practice what i'm learning at the experimental farm I run in Saudi Arabia; I highly recommend taking these courses if you work with soil.  

The Life in the Soils Class

Life in the Soil Class

18 Video Sessions + Audio Recordings- That will guide you through the process of understanding your Soil Biology and Soil Health so you can create a Soil Restoration Plan.

16 Recorded Webinars

4 Live Webinars- Live and recorded Webinars so you can keep up to date with and get your questions answered by Dr. Ingham.

Quizzes for each Lesson-

Test your knowledge of the Soil Foodweb and gain a fundamental understanding of how to restore your Soil Fertility.


$997 ($1000 off the Normal Price)
Practical Classes

The Compost Class 

9 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Microscope Class

10 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Practical Sessions.

27 Live Video Sessions, 12 Recorded Webinars, 6 Live Webinars Total.

Classes can be purchased as a group or individually


$1500 Together or $500 Individually ($1500 off the Normal Price)
Four Class Package

Life in the Soil Class 

18 Video Sessions-

16 Recorded Webinars-

4 Live Webinars-

Quizzes for each Lesson-

The Compost Class 

9 Videos Sessions,

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Videos Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

Microscope Class 

10 Videos Sessions

4 recorded Webinars,

2 Live Practical Webinars


$2497 ($2500 off Normal Price)

Many of you attended an SDM webinar for the first time in the last two weeks, so I want to bring to your attention some of the fantastic shows we've done, including a masterclass on working with fungus by Radical Mycology's Peter McCoy, a dryland farming course from the farm that produces a world-record-holding olive oil in Cyprus by Nic Netien, and my own terraforming course on desert agriculture.  All our previous shows are available on demand here.  

Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks:

  • March 16:  Kevin Muno, CEO of Ecology Artisans and Founder of Montado Farms
  • March 23:  Frank Golbeck:  Cofounder and CEO of Gold Coast Mead
  • March 30:  Kay Baxter, Founder of Koanga Institute.

Thanks for joining us today at Sustainable Design Masterclass, grateful to be here with you all.

-Neal Spackman (and Raleigh Latham)