Restoring Ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean: Thursday Webinar with Thomas Pearson

Published: Mon, 04/03/17

Hey there ,
   Greetings from Saudi Arabia.

This week's webinar promises to be very unique, as we have Thomas Fernley-Pearson coming on. If you've heard of him, you know what a treat we're in for, and if you haven't, you're about to.   I've been trying to track him down for a couple years, and happened upon him by very good luck. 

Thomas got his start as an ecologist and farmer in Ecuador in 2000 and is currently a design and ecology consultant with Medicins Sans Frontieres.  He also works with a variety of NGOs in the Middle East, and is one of the founders of Bustaan Qaraaqa, a permaculture farm in Palestine.  

Thomas has spent a lot of time donating his skills to folks in very challenging situations--including displaced herders and tribesman, as well as folks in refugee camps and city slums in Brazil, Colombia, and the Levant.  

Come this Thursday at 11:30 PST (9:30 PM in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, & Saudi Arabia) to hear Thomas speak about Ecosystem Regeneration in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the context of Herders and Farmers who face war, obstruction, occupation, and displacement.  
Hope to see you there,

Neal Spackman (& Raleigh Latham)
Sustainable Design Masterclass
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks: