Saving The Climate by Rewilding Siberia: Special Webinar Event with Nikita Zimov of Pleistocene Park

Published: Wed, 04/05/17

Hey Everybody,
Now normally, we do just one webinar per week, but this time, I wanted to announce a webinar on something extremely important, and extremely timely.

I’m sure a few of you are familiar with the work of Sergei and Nikita Zimov at Pleistocene Park, and for those of you who aren’t, check them out! They’ve had several documentaries made on their quest to rewild the Siberian tundra with large mammals, restore an ancient grassland, and in turn, protect the permafrost from thawing in the region.

     This Saturday, at 10:30 AM PST we have Nikita Zimov himself joining us to share all about the work at Pleistocene Park.  He'll be talking about the ecosystem restoration potential of Rewilding, and how it can help mitigate extreme climactic events.

     What makes this webinar so timely is that it is the last day of Pleistocene Park’s Kickstarter, and all of us at the have the power to help push them over the edge to success in their last day.  For those of you who join us Saturday and donate to their Kickstarter, we’ll be giving away some super valuable prizes that you’ll definitely want to check out.  

    Plus…if we raise enough, we’ll get to adopt a bison on it’s trip to Pleistocene Park, and you’ll get to name it.
     This is a chance for all of us to make a direct, positive impact on biodiversity and the climate, so I hope you’ll join us Saturday.  I guarantee you’ll learn heaps, and walk away inspired as to what a small team of people can do in this world.
Also, tomorrow’s Restoring Ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean webinar with Thomas Fernley-Pearson is going to be fantastic for those of you in dryland climates, so hope to see you there too.

All the best in the world,
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks: