Earth Works Webinar w/Darren Doherty, Permaculture Cooking Webinar Replay, and some other good stuff

Published: Mon, 04/24/17

Greetings ,
Hope your day is off to a good start!  We've got a solid week of practical education ahead for everybody, but first...there were a few things we forgot to add in the last email.

First off, I finally got around to re-filming and re-editing the webinar with Chef Seth, so you can watch it below in it's entirety.  

We also wanted to invite you all to Thursday's webinar with Darren Doherty, because he's doing to be diving deep into his extensive experience with Earthworks.  That includes Keyline Systems, Ponds, Swales, and a bunch of other land & water management systems.

 Permaculture Cooking Webinar Replay
 Darren Doherty- Earthworks Webinar
Second, we forgot to include the link to Darren's Consultation offer, which is 10% off any Consultation or Course.  A hell of a deal for those who want to learn from Darren.  You can claim it by click the button below.
 Have a great week and hopefully see a bunch of you Thursday!
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks: