The Ultimate Guide to Permaculture Cooking: Webinar with Chef Seth Peterson

Published: Tue, 04/11/17

Good morning ,
Now last week, we focused on two mega-scale issues: restoring ecosystems in conflict zones and rewilding the Siberian tundra to protect the climate.

However, this Thursday we're scaling the kitchen and garden.

We've got a special treat in store, and that's why we're bringing on Chef Seth Peterson, who's going above and beyond to give you a thorough look into all aspects of Permaculture Cooking.  

He'll be going over Permaculture cooking basics, the history of food culture, easy, high yield gardening techniques, food preservation methods, along with kitchen design, and nutrition.  For those who want to make cooking easier and more enjoyable, definitely show up on Thursday.

     Also, we're still tallying up the totals to see if we raised enough to adopt that buffalo.  It might be close, but regardless, thanks again to everyone who donated.
Hope to see you on Thursday,
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks: