Seth Peterson Permaculture Cooking Webinar Replay + Winner Annouced (Presentation be re-edited later)

Published: Sun, 04/16/17

Hey there ,
Hope you all had a great weekend so far.  Pardon
my glacial pace with getting the replay to you,
but I figured better late then never.

First off, it was a pleasure doing the webinar with Seth Peterson.
His knowledge and connection to food, cooking, and permaculture runs incredibly deep, and brings alot of people together.
 In fact the same day as webinar, we had
an epic mediterranean feast with 18 people at his house.

That being said, I feel like we let you guys down because of all the technical problems (which will be avoided on future webinars). Though I've included the replay from Thursday's presentation, Seth and I will likely re-record it very soon, and sending that out to everybody.

Of course, we can't sign off without announcing the book giveaway winner...
And that Winner is....


Congratulations Kate, we'll be sending you a copy of the Forgotten Skills of Cooking.
Have a great rest of the weekend, and stoked to announce future developments next week.
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman