A New Paradigm for Livestock and Annual Farming (Plus the Tim Richards Webinar Replay)

Published: Wed, 05/24/17

Hey all,

If you missed Thurday's webinar with Tim Richards you've got a chance to rewatch at the link here.  Tim is doing some fantastic work using his nut butter business as a vehicle to influence how almonds are grown and to provide a really fantastic product.  If you want to try Tim's products and support his work they are now available online to order direct. 

June is a big month--we have two phenomenal speakers lined up who I admire a great deal:

On June 1 we have the one and only Colin Seis.  Colin is one of the pioneers of pasture cropping, a technique that allows for  grain production within a perennial prairie ecology.  This is one of the most important innovations in agriculture in the last 50 years and I believe one of the lynchpins to developing sustainable agricultures while still producing annuals.  Don't miss it--Colin is an experienced presenter and an even better farmer.  Check out an intro video here.
 Finally, Raleigh and I depend on your support to keep this thing going.  Please consider subscribing to SDMC here.  Subscribing gets you access to all previous webinars and all future webinars and allows us to pay our software costs and our speakers.  
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks:​​​​​​​