Farming Mesquite Superfoods in the Extreme Desert (Thursday Webinar with Mark Moody) + Super Cool Teacher Updates!

Published: Tue, 05/02/17

Hey there ,
It's the first week of May, woooo.  Though it's a pleasant 79 degrees in Northern California...for alot of folks in the Southwest (or Saudi Arabia) it's already in the 100's.

Extreme heat is a topic we like addressing, because so many of us live in places where heatwaves and drought are becoming more commonplace.  It's a vital aspect of planning in the near future. That's why we like bringing you people who are actively reversing drought and degradation, or using the extreme climate to grow nutrient dense, heat tolerant food crops.

One such desert-adapted farmer is Mark Moody, who has been cultivating Mesquite Trees and Mesquite products since 2005.  While most people look at the Mesquite Tree and see an ornamental plant, Mark sees a bountiful food crop.  Used for centuries by Native Americans, Mesquite trees produce a bounty of pods which can be turned into various nutrient dense products.  Mark is using the extreme Arizona heat to his advantage, and spreading the promise of Mesquite across the desert. ​​​​​​​

 Join us this Thursday and learn about Mark's discovery and his plans for Mesquite cultivation.  If you live in anywhere with an extreme climate, or if you're interested in growing unique products, you'll learn something super useful. 
Updates From Our Teachers
 A lot has happened in the past several months which we're pleased to announce.  Some of the teacher's we've had on have launched big projects, won awards, or are doing great things this Summer.

Nicholas Netien (High Value Dry Climate Farming) - After our webinar, Nicholas's farm was featured on the Huffington Post, and won the award for healthiest olive oil in the world, two years in a row.

John has officially launched his Ecosystem Restoration Camps Initiative.  They'll be breaking ground and getting started this Summer in Spain.  They're not waiting for the government, or wealthy philanthropists to fund Ecosystem Restoration Projects.  Like Pleistocene Park, they crowdfunded their project, and are moving forward.  

For those of you who are inspired by John's vision, now is a great time to support their work.

Peter Allen (Rewilding the Farm)
Peter is holding a PDC this summer at Mastadon Valley farm with some midwest Permaculture all stars.  For those of you who want to dive off the deep-end into Farmscale Permaculture and Rewilding, this is a great opportunity.  We'll be leaving up Peter's webinar for free till Sunday.