Mesquite Farming in the Extreme Desert Webinar Replay + A New Facebook Group!

Published: Fri, 05/05/17

Greetings ,
For those of you who missed the webinar with Mark Moody, it was eye opening.  Mark Moody has spent the last 14 years experimenting with cultivating native mesquite, which he predicts could become a resurgence staple crop in hot climates with the right culinary attention and marketing.  Even in the extreme heat of the Mojave desert, Mesquite can thrive.

So long story short, here's the webinar replay: ​​​​

Announcing the SDMC Discussion Group
 This week we launched a new development we think is pretty cool: The SDMC Discussion Group on Facebook.  After every webinar we do, we'll be posting the webinar replay's there, and invite the presenters and members on to discuss anything.  It will be a great place to go beyond learning, and start collaborating on the topics you care about.

       Have a great weekend and get some sun and soil!
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks:​​​​​​​