Restoring The Oceans with 3-D Ocean Farming (Webinar with Bren Smith) + Final Bison Name Decision!

Published: Mon, 07/03/17

Hey there ,
Hope you've got some great things planned for 
the first week of July.  We're super excited for Thursday,
because Neal and I have a guest joining
us that we've been trying to get on for more than 2 years....

Bren Smith, the pioneer behind the 3-D Ocean Farming company Greenwave. For those of you not familiar not familiar with Bren's work, prepare to be amazed.  For over 3 decades, Bren has experimented with a marine farming technique that could replace environmentally disastrous Aquaculture with productive shellfish and kelp farming.  He calls it Restorative 3-D Ocean Farming, and it could help restore degraded marine ecosystems while providing new livelihoods for farmers and fishermen. 
    It's hard to find something to be hopeful for when it comes to the health of our oceans.  On so many continents and countries, our coasts are filled with dead spots, global fisheries are overdrawn, temperatures are rising, and coral reefs are hurting.  What Bren is doing is a profoundly hopeful, active, beneficial way of restoring marine ecosystems and providing a regenerative livelihood for those involved at the same time.  If you love the oceans, then definitely join us thursday. 
Final Two Bison Names!
It's been a stiff competition.  We're neck and neck on our final two names.  You, good people, have the power to decide whether the Siberian Snow Bison will be named....Thunderbolt...or....Byron Joel. 

If you haven't voted yet, click the link and help us decide.

We will announce the final results on Friday.
Stay creative, hopeful, and keep designing a better future,
Raleigh and Neal
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks:​​​​​​​