How to Reforest 5 Million+ Hectares of Desert (Thursday Webinar with Tony Rinaudo)

Published: Tue, 06/20/17

Hey there ,

Hope your week is off to a great start.  I'm really excited to announce this weeks webinar presenter because he's one of Neal's Ecological Heroes...Tony Rinaudo.

In 1983, Tony witnessed a great famine while working Niger.  The experience spurned him to find a way to restore productive ecology in a way which could support the people he worked with.  

What he pioneered was called FMNR (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration), a low cost, natural reforestation method that repairs local ecology and restores agricultural livelihoods.  
Since then, FMNR has been used to reforest more than 5 Million Hectares of desertified land across Africa and beyond.

 This work has pulled millions of people from the brink of starvation, and changed the way ecosystems can be managed worldwide.   Join us, and learn all about Tony's story, and see how FMNR works ecologically, economically, and socially.  It will be fantastic opportunity to learn and be inspired.
Pleistocene Park Update
So last April, Neal and I were honored to bring on Nikita Zimov, who shared his vision of creating one of the worlds largest megafauna rewilding areas...Pleistocene Park.  

Since we helped raise nearly 5k for the Park, we get to name a Bison!  Submit your name to the right, and we'll vote next week.  If your name is chosen, you'll get a special webinar package.
Keep dreaming and designing a better future,
Raleigh and Neal
Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few weeks:​​​​​​​