Lessons from Megafires+ 7 Figure Permaculture Contracting Webiar With Erik Ohlsen Thursday

Published: Tue, 10/24/17

Greetings Everybody,
So it's Raleigh here.  So I wanted to write a different sort of email.  

First off, I'm glad to announce that we have Erik Ohlsen on to
present a webinar on what it takes to start a 7-figure Permaculture
Contracting Business.  That's this Thursday at 11.​​​​​​​  Erik was a burned out environmental activists who realized that a successful business could be more effective way to restore the environment that what we was doing.  At present, Permaculture Artisans is a renowned Permaculture contracting company that operates throughout California (and the PNW) with several teams.  He'll be sharing his experience over the last 2 decades making his dream a reality.
However, the main thing I want to write about in this email is FIRE.

Unless you're in a log cabin far away from internet and cable, you probably heard about the fires in California (and in Spain, Portugal, & Italy), which personally affected a great many of us who take part in these classes.  Two webinar attendees in particular had thousands of acres of grassland burn and multiple structure's burn at their ranches, though luckily their animals survived.  I personally woke up to thick smoke and ash from the fires, and witnessed a fire almost get out of control (if not for large helicopters and planes dropping water).  Many of the folks who run permaculture programs around here opened up their homes and sites as shelters for those that had to leave their homes behind.

The 200,000+ acres that burned here in Northern California (in less than 10 days) were a great wakeup call to all about the reality of fire.  For those of us who live next to forests (and love forests), learning how to live with, and manage fire risks is crucial for survival.  As each summer grows hotter worldwide, so do the fire seasons, but luckily, there's alot of proven ways to manage forests and fire before they start.

As a quick overview, Erik Ohlsen wrote a great article about how Mismanagement led to the Wildfire Crisis in California.

Those of us near forests can also learn a great deal from land managers in the Southeast, who use controlled/prescribed burning as a common tool in forests.

There are also other common-sense, low cost solutions to prevent wildfires, such as livestock fuel load reduction, indigenous fire management, and the restoration of the water cycles.

​​​​​​​That being said, all the education in the world doesn't amount to a drop of sand without effective action taken.  This crisis moment is an opportunity for Northern California to actually manage fire risk and restore watersheds without being choked out by regulations.

If you want an opportunity to help out fire victims directly, Erik Ohlsen will be leading a Myco-remediation team in November, and you can volunteer your time and resources for fire victims through Recovers.

If any of you have a story about how fire has affected you, or how you protect your land against megafire, please send us your story, because we'll have a special session on fire in the coming two months.
That’s it for now, hope you all have an excellent week, and tune in for more big updates from the Sustainable Design Masterclass.

Keep Designing a better future,
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