Elaine Ingham Extreme Land Restoration Webinar Replay & Recap (+ A free SDMC Membership and an Ingham Class Offer)

Published: Fri, 09/22/17

Hey Folks,

I have to count myself grateful today that I was able to join over 726 of you on todays webinar with Dr. Elaine Ingham. The world owes Elaine a great debt of gratitude for her decades of work with the Soil Foodweb, and she put on one of the most incredible presentation's I've seen about restoring landscapes, farms, and ranches with Soil Biology.

Elaine covered the ways she has restored Soil Biology on areas ranching from a front lawn to a 300,000 hectare ranch. She showed that the right compost techniques can restore even the most degraded landscapes back to function and fertility.  

If you missed the webinar, or want to view the replay or the presentation slides, just click below and be prepared to learn a ton.

Webinar Recap:

1. An Overview of the Soil FoodwebElaine's work shows that if you restore the Soil Biology and the Soil Foodweb, you can suppress diseases and weeds, retain and access nutrients in the soil (and cut fertilizer use in the process), and build proper soil structure to hold more water and reverse erosion.  A Healthy Soil Foodweb will produce more nutrient dense plants that are easier to manage and more tolerant of extremes.

2. Restoring Soil Biology on Lawns, Ranches, and Landscapes- Elaine's showed several case studies of how Soil Biology treatments were able to reverse severe degradation in lawns, marginal land, and ranches.  These areas produced healthy grasses that were vibrant and productive despite being in severe drought areas with high heat.  While the surrounding areas were suffering, the the grasses with restored Soil Biology were thriving.

 3. Restoring Soil Biology on Farms- Elaine showed how on 6 different farms, the addition of Soil Biology in Compost made a night and day different in terms of yield, weed reduction, nutrient density, profit, and resilience against extreme weather.  From a small garden plot to a 90+ acre farm, Soil Biology made the difference between high functioning, high yielding farms, and those about to collapse.

  4. Large Scale Compost Treatments- Elaine gave several examples of how compost treatments can be scaled up, and the technology involved in that process. In the largest example, Elaine helped a ranch set up a composting system for over 300,000 hectares!

This was only a portion of what we talked about in the presentation, so if you want to learn about soil biology, watch it for the first (or second time). It will be well worth your time.

And of course,​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​For those of you who want to learn more from Dr. Ingham, she is offering a massive 50% discount on her online courses through SDMC until monday night.  Neal and I are both taking the course, and we've found it absolutely phenomenal. It's filled with practical, paradigm shattering lessons about how to create healthy soil.

The Life in the Soils Class

Life in the Soil Class

18 Video Sessions + Audio Recordings- That will guide you through the process of understanding your Soil Biology and Soil Health so you can create a Soil Restoration Plan.

16 Recorded Webinars

4 Live Webinars- Live and recorded Webinars so you can keep up to date with and get your questions answered by Dr. Ingham.

Quizzes for each Lesson-

Test your knowledge of the Soil Foodweb and gain a fundamental understanding of how to restore your Soil Fertility.


$997 ($1000 off the Normal Price)
Practical Classes

The Compost Class 

9 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Microscope Class

10 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Practical Sessions.

27 Live Video Sessions, 12 Recorded Webinars, 6 Live Webinars Total.

Classes can be purchased as a group or individually


$1500 Together or $500 Individually ($1500 off the Normal Price)
Four Class Package

Life in the Soil Class 

18 Video Sessions-

16 Recorded Webinars-

4 Live Webinars-

Quizzes for each Lesson-

The Compost Class 

9 Videos Sessions,

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Videos Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

Microscope Class 

10 Videos Sessions

4 recorded Webinars,

2 Live Practical Webinars


$2497 ($2500 off Normal Price)
One Week Free Sustainable Design Masterclass Membership!
One thing we offered in the webinar is a free one week SDMC Membership to everyone that registered for the webinar.  To claim it, all you have to do is write to me @ [email protected] ​​​​​​​and I'll send you your free pass. 
Life in the Soils Giveaway Winner!
It was a tough call on this, about 2000 of you wrote in and told me how you could use Elaine's lessons to improve your farms and restoration projects.  Out of the 2000, I narrowed it down to 10, and picked a name out of a hat...and the winner was...

Jorge Lemus!

Congratulations Jorge, we hope Elaine's classes will help transform your farm in Veracruz to a thriving, productive oasis. 

Many of you attended an SDMC webinar for the first time today so I want to bring to your attention some of the fantastic shows we've done, including Tom Duncan's webinar on Floating Wetlands to reverse Algae Blooms in Lakes and Wetlands, Bren Smith's class on 3-D Ocean Farming, and a class on Working with Fungus by Radical Mycology's Peter McCoy. All our previous shows are available on demand here.  ​​​​​​​

Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few months:

  • September 28thRebecca Burgess, Creating Local Fibersheds
  • October 12: Erik Olsen, A Professional Career in Permaculture
  • November 23:  Brad Lancaster, Saving Arid Civilization with Water Harvesting.

Thanks for joining us and keeping designing a better future.
-Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman