Managing and Preventing WILDLIFRE (Thursday Webinar with Erik Ohlsen)

Published: Wed, 11/08/17

Greetings ,
This thursday, we have Erik Ohlsen joining us 
again to present on a subject that's very close to home: Wildfire.​​​​​​​
For those of us who live near forests, learning how to manage and prevent 
Wildfire can make the different between keeping your home or losing everything.
 A great many of us in Northern California learned that lesson recently when over 245,000 acres burned in only a week.

Thankfully, wildfire is not just a climate issue, it's a management one.  
Erik Ohlsen has been teaching folks about wildfire for a while.  
In his books, his consultations, lessons, and articles, he shows
why environmental mismanagement has caused an epidemic
of devastating wildfires. 

In this webinar, Erik will show you how you can prevent wildfire risks
on your land, and how communities can repair ecosystems so that wildfires
are not devastating on a large scale.

Thanks again for being a part of the SDMC.  Hope to see you on the webinar!
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Upcoming Webinars
November 9th- Erik Ohlsen: Managing and Preventing Wildfire