Wildfire Ecology and Management Webinar Replay with Erik Ohlsen +Wildfire Stories From You

Published: Thu, 11/09/17

Hey Folks
It was a pleasure having Erik back on today to talk
about Wildfire Management and Ecology. He broke
down why bad land management practices have​​​​​​​ lead to the mega fires
that we face today, and how indigenous people used to manage and live in fire prone areas for thousands of years.

He also addressed other techniques for wildfire management
​​​​​​​like controlled burning, and using animal & forest management
to clear out dry brush from mature forests.

If we can learn how to live in a fire ecology on our
land and in our forests, then we won't have to suffer
the same fate as Santa Rosa, or the other
parts of the Pacific Northwest, Spain, Portugal, or Italty that burned
so drastically over the summer.​​​​​​​

Even well intentioned, smart people can ignore
wildfire risks, as Erik pointed out with a few
of his clients that decided to ignore fire prevention
practices, and lost their farm as a result.  I hope
you get a chance to watch the replay, because 
it's time we start understanding how we can manage
and prepare for fire, instead of letting it catch us off guard.

Wildfire Stories from SDMC members
A good number of SDMC members who I met personally were impacted by the wildfires in October.  Cal Vanoni and Aaron Lucich in particular had large fires rip through their ranch and impact their grazing operations.  If you would like to help either of them you can you can read about their stories and donate to their recovery here for Cal and here for Aaron.

Also, if you would like to help with volunteering directly, you can sign up for local fire recovery opportunities at sonoma.recovers.org.
Bonus Video: A Fire Story with Erik Ohlsen
Though these fires were devastating and unexpected...they were not unprecedented.  As this video points out, a similar fire happened in the area in 1967, and frequently over the past few thousand years, as pointed out by native people in the area.  This video gives a nice background overview of how our relationship to fire can evolve. 

Thanks again for being a part of the SDMC.  Keep designing a better world.
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