Elaine Ingham Webinar Recap & Replay: Solving the Worlds Toughest Soil Problems

Published: Fri, 01/12/18

Hey Everybody....Wow.

 I hope you joined us for Thursday's webinar with Elaine because

it was nothing short of mind-blowing. We had more than 1000 people join us to learn about reversing soil problems, and repairing soil biology.  That's pretty awesome on it's own, but what she had to present was even better.

She revealed how to reverse the most pervasive problems in the soil; weeds, compaction, pests, diseases, and high plant mortality.  She showed how overuse the of agricultural technology degraded the soil over the past centuries, and how we can shift out of it.  Not to mention, she had 3 brand new, awesome case studies for extreme land restoration.

If you missed the webinar, or want to view the replay or the presentation slides, just click below and get ready to learn.

Webinar Recap:

1. How a Healthy Soil Foodweb Functions-
 Elaine went into the science of how your soil biology truly functions.  How the organisms in the soil interact to unlock nutrients, and provide it to your plants.  She revealed that there are no deficiencies of minerals in the soil, but what is missing is the right soil organisms that can access these minerals, and make them plant available.  She also showed how biology helps succession in your soil, moving your landscape from bare ground to a rich biome.

2. How Conventional Agriculture Has Led to Our Most Extreme Soil Problems- 
Elaine went into the story of Agriculture, starting from the very beginning of Civilization.  She showed that the tilling practices that started in the Fertile Crescent degraded the soil over hundreds of years.  The fertilizers that were applied over generations created salt buildups that further degraded the land.  Plowing also compacted the soil, stunting plant roots near the ground surface.  These problems were exacerbated exponentially with the advent of mechanized tractors, synthetic fertilizers....and the global spread of herbicides and pesticides during the Green Revolution.

 3. The Solutions to Common and Extreme Soil Problems-
Compaction, weeds, pests, pesticide contamination, plant diseases, low plant quality. Even though these problems are pervasive, it's possible to reverse these problems by restoring soil biology with compost and compost teas.  Elaine went one by one, showing how each of these problems could be fixed with the right soil biology treatments.

               4. New Case Studies For Biological Land Restoration-
    Elaine shared 3 amazing new case studies for extreme land restoration, ranging from a backyard flower garden to a 5,000 hectare tomato farm.  She showed how optimized biology was able to actually eliminate the need for crop rotation, and increase the yields and frequency of growing without soil degradation or chemicals.  The true centerpiece was the case study by Elaine's student Todd Harrington, who restored a 147 acre, bare concrete park in New York Harbor into a thriving, mixed biome park...in under 2 years.

Definitely check this presentation out, because it will inspire you to get out there, make compost, and restore your land.

And of course,​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​For those of you who want to learn more from Dr. Ingham, she is offering a massive 50% discount on her online courses through SDMC until monday, January 15th at 11:59 PM.  Neal and I are both taking the course, and we've found it absolutely phenomenal. It's filled with practical, paradigm shattering lessons about how to create healthy soil.

Discount Code: discount2018JanRW 
(code is case sensitive)
The Life in the Soils Class

Life in the Soil Class

18 Video Sessions + Audio Recordings- That will guide you through the process of understanding your Soil Biology and Soil Health so you can create a Soil Restoration Plan.

16 Recorded Webinars

4 Live Webinars- Live and recorded Webinars so you can keep up to date with and get your questions answered by Dr. Ingham.

Quizzes for each Lesson-

Test your knowledge of the Soil Foodweb and gain a fundamental understanding of how to restore your Soil Fertility.


$997 ($1000 off the Normal Price)
Practical Classes

The Compost Class 

9 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Webinars

The Microscope Class

10 Video Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars

2 Live Practical Sessions.

27 Live Video Sessions, 12 Recorded Webinars, 6 Live Webinars Total.

Classes can be purchased as a group or individually


$1500 Together or $500 Individually ($1500 off the Normal Price)
Four Class Package

Life in the Soil Class 

18 Video Sessions-

16 Recorded Webinars-

4 Live Webinars-

Quizzes for each Lesson-

The Compost Class 

9 Videos Sessions,

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

The Compost Tea Class 

8 Videos Sessions

4 Recorded Webinars,

2 Live Webinars

Microscope Class 

10 Videos Sessions

4 recorded Webinars,

2 Live Practical Webinars


$2497 ($2500 off Normal Price)
One Week Free Sustainable Design Masterclass Membership!
One thing we offered in the webinar is a free one week SDMC Membership to everyone that registered for the webinar.  To claim it, just write to me @ [email protected] ​​​​​​​and I'll send you your free pass. 

Also, in the next webinar I'll send you the link to Elaine's 3 previous webinars, all free till next Wednesday.
Compost Class Giveaway Winner!
You guys were killing me on this.  Over 2500 people submitted stories about how the Compost class could help their lives, and I had to narrow it down to 50 names...selected out of my wizard's hat.  Some of you were helping refugees, others were starting 300 acre Agroforestry farms in the middle of corn country, but regardless, I was blown away by what you're all up to.
So out of those 50 names, the final winner was...

Timo Plotz!

Congratulations Timo, we hope Elaine's compost class will help you grow the best possible coffee out in Brazil.

Many of you attended an SDMC webinar for the first time today so I want to bring to your attention some of the fantastic shows we've done, including Richard Perkins webinar on Making Small Farm's Work, Tom Duncan's webinar on Floating Wetlands to reverse Algae Blooms in Lakes and Wetlands, Rebecca Burgess's class on Fibershed Local Economies, and a Webinar on Saving Seeds by Kay Baxter. All our previous shows are available on demand below.

Here are the shows we have coming up in the next few months:

Thanks for joining us and keeping designing a better future!
-Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman