Incredible Case Studies from Life in the Soils Students+A Free Ebook and Results Booklet!

Published: Sat, 01/13/18

Hey there 

It's Raleigh again, hopping in to share more about Dr. Ingham's Life in the Soil Classes.  

    Now normally Dr. Carole Rollins (the Class Facilitator sends out this information, but this time I'll be sharing it with you all. Normally I don't send out this many emails (especially on the weekend) but the results from the students who work with Elaine are, really, really cool. I'm especially inspired when I hear the stories from webinar attendees who became students, and write me to share the results they've had.

Some in the classes used the practical lessons to save their ranches and farms by restoring soil fertility, some used them to become professional soil restoration consultants, and others have used them to grow nutrient dense foods in their communities and gardens.  These folks come from all backgrounds and all ages, and it's pretty remarkable to hear what they've done all across the world.

Here's just a few examples of what Elaine's students in North America have achieved. 
Todd Harrington
Todd Harrington was a former student of Elaine's with an insatiable interest in Soil Biology.  After starting his own Organic Land Care business, he worked with Elaine to become certified in Soil Biology Restoration.  Currently he consults worldwide, and his projects range from 1 acre parks to 30,000 acres farms! 
Vivian Kaloxilos
You may have heard a bit about her in our previous webinars, but Vivian was an enthusiastic fan of Elaine's that took the leap, and signed up for the classes so she could transition towards a career in regenerative agriculture.  After completing the Life in the Soil Classes, she started working one on one with Elaine, and ended up helping farmers and landscapers create compost and compost tea treatments. She now manages her own professional soil restoration and compost company in Quebec called DocTerre. ​​​​​​​
Charlie Weibe
Charlie Weibe runs a 90 acre organic peanut farm in Texas.  He signed up for the Life in the Soils Classes because he had a hunch it could help him boost yields while the nearby farmers were struggling with drought.

 After learning from Elaine, he worked with other graduates to start making the first compost teas for his farm.  The results were remarkable.  In a single year, his crop yields increased 20% from 225 to 270 tons, he was able to increase profits by $54,000, and his crops were thriving while surrounding farms were withering under the heat.  To Charlie, the results on his farm were living proof of soil biology's importance.
Molly Haviland
Molly Haviland was a student of Dr. Ingham’s and took the courses because of her passion for Ecology.  She became obsessed with soil biology, and after completing the courses, she starting working with Elaine one on one to become a Life in the Soils Consultant.  Now she is a professional Soil Ecologist, a “Microherder” that helps farmers and ranchers across North America restore their degraded soil. She runs her own company, called Haviland Earth Regeneration.
More Soil Restoration Case Studies 
If you want to learn more about what students can achieve, then definitely check out the case studies below.  They have dozens and dozens of case studies from every land restoration scenario imaginable, from ranchers and farmers that saved 80% of their input costs and saved 200K a year on inputs, to caretakers who saved thousands of trees, to land managers who stabilized entire landscapes by restoring soil biology.  Also included is a primer about how the biology restoration process works in the soil.  It's pretty amazing stuff.
Molly, Vivian, Todd and Charlie are great examples of what students can do, but their stories are only a few out of the 1050+ people who have taken the classes across the world.

 In fact, during the webinar on September 21st, a former student chimed in:

“I Did Elaine's online course and am now making fungal compost and tea. We were told by others who had tried for 8 years and spent $1 million that it couldnt be done in Western Australia. We would be happy to supply compost to WA south west farmers or help them do their own. Really happy with our results. We have photographed trials, happy to share with Elaine. Thanks so much Dr Elaine, we are coping with terrible climate change.”
-Bee W. September 21, 2017
 To get the discount, just enter the code discount2018JanRW​​​​​​​ on the checkout page.
Many students come into these classes knowing very little about soil biology or how to read their soil health.

Though they love their land and want to grow more, they lack the experience to actually read their soil biology and create a compost plan to restore it. You might be frustrated, or passionate about repairing your soil fertility...but you just may not know how.

By the time these students finish the classes, they gain a deep, intimate understanding of the Soil Foodweb, and learn how to verify their soil biology, and repair it. Students leave with the confidence to restore the soil in the land they cherish, and gain the experience to create compost and compost teas for their land base. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on fertilizer, and wasting hundreds of hours on treatments that don't work, you get a roadmap and a soil restoration plan.

So what are you waiting for?

Click below to enroll in the best investment you'll ever make for your soil.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

 Monday, January 15th is the last day to get into the Life in the Soils Classes before the offer expires at 11:59 PM PST.  Just enter the discount code discount2018JanRW ​​​​​​​into the checkout page to get the discount.
10 Steps to Gardening With Nature 
Also, can't forget the bonus! I think you'll enjoy this...This book, written by Elaine and Dr. Carole Rollins, shows a complete on how to take care of your plants in your garden and soil biology processes.  It's an easy read with fantastic information so I hope you enjoy it. 
Till Next Time!
Enjoy the weekend and keep learning.
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman
Sustainable Design Masterclass.