3 Hours and the Life in the Soils Classes doors are closed

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

Hi  ,​​​​​​​

So this is last email you are going to receive about enrollment in the

Life in the Soils Classes for a long time.

Enrollment closes in 3 hours for the steep discount that we are offering to webinar participants.


If you would like to start understanding and restoring soil biology

so you can increase yields year after year, then now is the time to act before the next season starts.

This is your last chance to get direct help from Elaine Ingham and the Life in the Soils Classes team.

Help learning how to read your soil, making the right compost teas, and

promoting the right soil organisms to restoring soil biology. Help boosting your yields, and improving your land base permanently.

This course is distilled from decades of soil biology research that has been applied for thousands of clients across the world. It's in an easy to understand, practical format that you can put into practice quickly.

On top of that, it's absolutely risk free, which means you can get your money back at anytime ​​​​​​​if you feel like the classes weren't worth it. 

Here’s what other class graduates have had to say…

Charles Brannaka -- Oh I taught some of this material to an organic gardening club last night, it was a crowd of over 200 people. It was a 1.5 hour lecture. 40 people stayed over to ask questions. Great time. They all asked about the class and where to go to find out about it. Feb. 22, 2015

Brian V- “My wife and I have started a soil biology consulting business. Our goal is

to help farmers convert from conventional/organic to biological farming. We are

very passionate and fully subscribe to the Soil Food Web practices.” - (10/05/16)

Shane W- “Great classes have learned more in the past month than 4 years of

college.” - (1/2/17)

Daniel L- I currently live along the silk road in Northwest China in an oasis city within the Taklamakan desert. Farming has been done in this region for centuries because of it being feed by the snow cap run off that form a river that make it suitable for farming. Most recently it has been over farmed in many areas with cotton being one crop that is often grown. So with an increase in population in the city and the demand of water on the rise many farmers are running out of water to raise their crops. I want to become a Certified Soil Life Consultant so I can help tackle the problem of water shortage and see the predominant use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides cut back if not completely stopped.


Glen G- "Learning about the soil food web in the classes has provided the missing puzzle piece and has helped me to understand how nature works. The lessons learned have not only helped me to explain things I was already doing but have more importantly helped me to understand the complex interactions that I have been unknowingly destroying through use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. It is truly amazing that I have been able to learn more in this course over a short period of time than what I have been able to learn on the track to become a master arborist. Please accept my humble gratitude for opening my eyes and changing my life. I cannot wait to develop my skill set and help others to bring health back too. -(10/25/16)

Baruch B- “I've been an organic gardener/farmer for over 40 years. Now that I know what the heck I'm doing, thanks to Dr. Ingham, I want to convert thousands of acres to Biological Agriculture.” –11/5/16

Keli R- "Hi Dr. Ingham, I am thoroughly enjoying your web classes. Thank you for going over everything so thoroughly, for taking the time to explain the science behind the soil food web….The background you are providing here feels really solid. I don't understand why all soil scientists don't approach soil fertility through the lens of soil biology.  Looking forward to the sessions to come.  Thanks for putting it all together.


These are just a few of hundreds of other regular people, in all age groups,

across continents and professions, on small areas of land and massive acreages, who decided to take action, and take steps towards learning how to master their


They implemented what is taught in the Life in the Soils Classes.

If they can do it, so can you.

Now is the time to take your knowledge and mastery of soil health to the

next level.  It's the time to take your ecological security into your own hands, and ensure that your soil will be fertile for generations to come.

 Click here to enroll in the Life in the Soils Classes by 11:59PM

PST tonight. You will be glad you invested in yourself and gained the

knowledge you need to start restoring living soil and fertility.

(Just enter the discount code discount2018JanRW on the checkout page to take advantage of the class offer)

 If you missed the webinar or the Q&A session with Elaine you can watch them with the links to the right.
    As an added bonus, if you would still like the SDMC free 1 week pass, just reply to this email, and I'll send one right over.  And now I'll stop filling up your inbox ;) 
May your soil be healthy, and have an incredible week ahead.
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman