A Free Preview of the Life in the Soils Classes, Another Great Ebook+ A Mind Blowing Story about Elaine

Published: Sun, 01/14/18

Hey there again ,

Hope your Sunday is going great.

For those of you in a warmer climate, I hope you're getting to spend some time outdoors today.  However, if you're stuck inside buried in snow (like everyone in the Eastern U.S), then I hope you're nice and warm by the fire with a good book or some good friends.  Winter's a great time to catch up with research and plans before the growing season starts.  It's a brand new year to try a whole new approach for improving your land and your life.

For those of you who's livelihood and health depends on the soil, this is a great time to learn how you can move your land or garden towards it's greatest ecological potential.  It's a great time to learn how you can boost your yields by restoring your soil biology.

In this email, I wanted to share an extended preview of Elaine's Life in the Soils classes, a mind blowing story, as well as another great ebook by Dr. Ingham at the bottom of this message.  If you're interested in learning from Elaine, this should be good because there's a free video preview of each class.

The Life in the Soils Class
  • 18 Online Video Classes
  • 18 Quizzes
  • 18 Video Text Transcripts
  • 13 Recorded Webinar Sessions
  • 4 Live Webinar Sessions Video Slides
  •  Audio Recordings (.mp3's) of Each Session
Course Preview
Session 1 - Overview of Organisms In Soil
Session 2 - Appearance Of Microorganisms In Soil
Session 3 - The Morphology Of Predator Organisms
Session 4 - A Healthy Food Web
Session 5 - Assessing Soil Session
Session 6 - Soil Profiles And Horizons
Session 7 - Mineral, Organic Matter, and Organism Interaction
Session 8 - How Microorganisms Affect Soil Chemistry
Session 9 - Castle Walls That Plants Build
Session 10 - The Green Revolution?
Session 11 - Nutrient Cycling and Nitrogen Cycle
Session 12 - Soil Depth
Session 13 - Conditions In All Ecosystems
Session 14 - Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions
Session 15 - Practical Examples Of Different Kinds Of Systems
Session 16 - Biology Working In Real World Situations
Session 17 - More Real Life Examples of Practical Applications
Session 18 - How Much Organic Matter Is Too Much Organic Matter
  • 7 Video Class Sessions (45 minutes each) 
  • 2 Practical Class Sessions (hands on video of proper compost building)
  • Online Quizzes for Each Session
  • 2 Live Q&A Sessions 
  • 4 Recorded Q&A Sessions 
  • Video Transcriptions of Each Session  
  • Audio Recordings (.mp3's) and Video Slides of Every Session
The Compost Class
Course Preview

Session 1 - How to Make Compost

Session 2 - The Composting Process

Session 3 - Thermal Compost Temperatures & Moisture

Session 4 - Different Kinds of Starting Materials

Session 5 - Batch Systems - How Much of Each?

Session 6 - Worm Composting - Flow Thru System

Session 7 - Organisms in Soil After Adding Compost

Session 8 - Demonstration of Making Compost

Session 9 - Vermicomposting

The Compost Tea Class
  • 7 Video Class Sessions (45 minutes each) 
  • 1 Practical Class Sessions (hands on video demo of compost tea and extract making)
  • Online Quizzes for Each Session
  • 2 Live Q&A Sessions with Dr. Ingham
  • 4 Recorded Q&A Sessions 
  • Video Transcriptions of Each Session  
  • Audio Recordings (.mp3's) and Video Slides of Every Session
Course Preview

Session 1 - Overview of Compost Tea and Compost Extract

Session 2 - Organisms in Compost Tea and Compost Extract

Session 3 - Different Kinds of Teas, Brewers, and Ingredients

Session 4 - Factors Involved in Making Good Compost Tea

Session 5 - Feeding Organisms and Different Brewers

Session 6 - Aerobic Brewing Process and Application

Session 7 - Examples of Benefits of Compost Tea

Session 8 - Demonstration of Making Compost Tea

  • 8 Video Class Sessions (45 minutes each) 
  • 2 Practical Class Sessions (Quantifying Organisms)
  • Online Quizzes for Each Session
  • 2 Live Q&A Sessions with Dr. Ingham
  • 4 Recorded Q&A Sessions 
  • Video Transcriptions of Each Session  
  • Audio Recordings (.mp3's) and Video Slides of Every Session
The Microscope Class
Course Preview

Session 1 - Microscope Parts and Function (48 minutes, 51 seconds)

Session 2 - Introduction to the Microscope (41 minutes, 37 seconds)

Session 3 - Bacteria Morphology (53 minutes)

Session 4 - Identifying Fungi (67 minutes, 27 seconds)

Session 5 - Algae and Protozoa (37 minutes, 8 seconds)

Session 6 - Nematodes (34 minutes, 25 seconds)

Session 7 - Other Materials (42 minutes, 46 seconds)

Session 8 - Using the Spreadsheet (24 minutes, 35 seconds)

Session 9 - Counting Seven Fields (49 minutes, 59 seconds)

All classes offer year round access and downloads that you can take anytime, and live webinars and Q&A's which you can attend with other participants.  You can also take it risk free,with a lifetime money back guarantee. 

 Again, this is a super rare offer, and it's only offered at a steep discount until January 15th at 11:59 PM PST
Just apply the discount code discount2018JanRW​​​​​​​ at your checkout cart to take advantage of the offer.
--Bonus Time!--

As promised, here's some bonus we wanted to add. In case you didn't see 10 steps to Gardening with Nature in the last email, we're including that, but we also wanted to add another great book by Elaine called The Soil Biology Primer. If you're a ravenous reader, I also attached a pretty incredible story about how Elaine stopped a Rogue GMO-Bacterium.
 The Soil Biology Primer
 10 Steps to Gardening With Nature
Article: How Dr. Ingham Saved the World From a Rogue GMO-Bacterium
    Now this is an intense story that most people don't know about.  In the early 2000's Elaine helped stop a Genetically Modified version of Klebsiella Planticola from being released by a Biotech Company.  Her reason: it would have devastated global ecosystems and agriculture worldwide if it would got out of the lab.  I won't spoil the story, but it's pretty hair-raising.  You can read the article by clicking the picture to the left, and read her testimony by clicking the button below it.   In her classes, she has a whole lessons about it, which will absolutely blow you mind.  If you didn't already think Elaine was a soil hero before, you probably will after learning about what happened.
Hope the rest of your day is great, and may your soil be healthy.
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman
You can send questions about to class to me or Vivian at: