Only 8 Hours Until Elaine Ingham's Life in the Soil Classes Offer Ends + Q&A Replay

Published: Mon, 01/15/18

Greetings ,

Raleigh again, hope your week is off to a good start.

I know you've gotten a ton of emails from me over the weekend but today is the last day to sign up for the Life in the Soils Classes

before the offer expires at 11:59 PM PST.

(Use the discount code discount2018JanRW)


Just wanted to let you know about everything

before the deadline happens.


What Other Members Learned in the Classes...

 "For the first time I have found a profession that touches upon my personal sense of fulfillment and needs: helping others/environment, teaching, writing, continuous personal growth; challenges, working in nature, gardening, and sharing with my sons the importance of stewardship of the earth. And the more I learned in the classes the more I wanted to know and wanted to share. Now when I drive by a pasture, garden, orchard or agricultural field, I look at them in a completely different light and wonder whats going on underneath. I fell in love with soil and composting (as cheesy at it may sound). I know this newly found passion can help others and give people a better holistic option over fertilizers and pesticides. For all these reasons I'm driven to become a soil consultant."
-Josipa (10/12/17)

"I am so inspired by Elaine's vast knowledge.  My daughter has taken one of her classes and continues to encourage me to learn from this woman. After listening to a couple webinars on her soil health and composting topics, I've decided I must fly out and take a class by this expert at her farm.  I give composting workshops here in WI, and feel I've added so much to my efforts and education presentations because of Elaine."
-Caroline 11/20/17

Those are just a few stories from the 1000+ people who have taken these classes with Elaine over the years. 


If you enroll, here's the results you can expect...


    1. A fundamental understanding of Soil Biology and the Soil Foodweb,

and the knowledge you need to start creating compost and compost tea treatments in gardens, farms, ranches, and landscapes. 


    2. If you implement the steps in this course, you will be able to increase your yields massively, reduce your input costs (as much as 80-90%), learn how to create amazing compost yourself, and secure the fertility of your land with the right compost treatments.  


    3. You will be able to read and analyze soil health.  You won’t merely guess if you’re soil is healthy or not, you will be able to monitor it, and adjust so you can have the right plan to create compost and improve soil fertility, no matter how degraded your soil is.


   4. You will follow in the footsteps of hundreds of farmers, ranchers, biologists, landscapers, and gardeners who have secured their livelihood by using this knowledge. 


    3. You will have all the resources (video classes, expert access, recordings, tutorials, practical demonstrations, and quizzes) you need to feel confident with soil restoration.


    4. You will be able to lay out a recovery plan by using the right compost and compost tea treatments.


    5. You will know how to promote the right micro-organisms specifically targeted for what you want to grow, whether that’s vegetable crops, hemp, bamboo, greenhouse plants, trees, or grasses.


    6. You will stop wasting hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on fertilizers and compost treatments that don't actually work.  


    7. You will be able to treat your soil so you can increase yields, decrease weeds and crops illnesses, and stop the process of soil degradation in its tracks. Whether it’s 1000 square feet, or 1000+ acres, you’ll have a roadmap for restoring productive soil.

Need to learn more?
We just did a great Q&A session earlier today which you can watch by clicking the Q&A Replay Link below.  She went into questions about soil science, breaking down toxic materials with compost, creating effective compost treatments for the land, and recovering from natural disasters with compost teas.  It was an awesome session so click the link below to give it a watch.

You can also preview each session of ALL her classes by clicking the image or button on the right.​​​​​​​
It's never too late to restore your soil.
Raleigh Latham & Neal Spackman

payment questions: 
Dr. Carole Rollins
certification questions:
Vivian Kaloxilos