Reconnect to the Love That You Are!

Published: Sun, 05/14/17


  • Have you been on a spiritual journey and know yourself to be more than just your body, mind and emotions, yet continue to find it hard to love and enjoy yourself, your experiences and life in general?
  • Have you had a variety of interesting multidimensional experiences, yet continue to find it uncomfortable to be here on planet earth?

  • Did you experience childhood challenges and sensitivities that continue to play out as patterns in your current life?

If the answer to even one of these questions is YES! I would like to invite you to participate in The Journey Back to Love. 

This transformative series creates powerful change in your daily life by providing you with a life enhancing shift in perception regarding love and the support to integrate this new awareness into your everyday life!

Our next cycle of this series begins on June 1, 2017 and all the details are below!

I hope to see you there and look forward to witnessing your transformation back to the Love that you are!

With Love,

 Life is a Gift, Not a Curse

In a recent session Suzy talked about our life experiences being a gift, even though times it might not seem like it. My first week of May was full of these "gifts' but having recently completed  "The Journey back to love" I had the tools and insights to navigate this rocky terrain with ease. I can't stress enough how powerful and helpful the JBL was and I am eagerly looking forward to repeating this course starting in June.

Thank you Suzy for all you do and the many gifts you share with all of us.

~ Mary Ellen Riley