Registration Closes Tomorrow! Create a Life of Love - Join the Journey Back to Love with Suzy Miller

Published: Mon, 08/28/17


Our lives offer us one opportunity after another to love ourselves beyond what we could love before. The degree to which we are able to integrate the experiences that life presents is the degree to which we can live a life filled with love. ~ Suzy Miller

The next Journey Back to Love series is just around the corner and offers a masterfully guided opportunity to:
  • See your life and love through a powerful new lens.
  • Integrate the life experiences that stop you from loving yourself and others fully.
  • Create life experiences from the love that you are instead of the limited programs that you bought into.
Registration ends tomorrow and we begin on August 31, 2017. Learn all about it by clicking on the links below! Although the words on the website share the content of the series, the results speak volumes so we have included a couple testimonials below! It's time to be the love that you are!

Regardless if you are rejoining the Journey Back to Love for another cycle or you are brand new to the process, you are going to love the focus this cycle will place on creating a love-based life!

 We'd love to see you there!

The Journey Back to Love team!