Stabilizing Your Life Short Course with Suzy Miller- October 20, 2017

Published: Wed, 09/20/17


You're invited to our new upcoming four-week course: Stabilizing Your Life in Times of Rapid Change.

Begins October 20, 2017
9:00 AM Pacific

We live in exciting and challenging times designed to bring into clear focus all that we have become. From the broadest perspective, times like this bring into greater clarity our individual and collective intentions. As our intentions gain focus, our capacity to create powerful and positive change can quicken to what many would consider miraculous.

Gaining this focused awareness is not always easy. Especially when our inner and outer landscapes are constantly shifting like sand underfoot.

This short course is designed to quicken the emergence of your personal inner knowing, which in turn supports your ability to find the inner stability that you have been seeking outside of yourself.  From there it becomes easy to create in magical and exciting ways!

Find out more below and I hope to see you there!
