December 2017 Newsletter

Published: Fri, 12/01/17

News & Offerings
December 2017

As we come to the end of 2017, you might have a lot more questions than answers regarding life and what it is all about. You may feel like what you believed to be true at the beginning of the year needs to be re-evaluted  or simply is not true now. Have you experienced one "closure" or full circle moment after another? Do you find that the place you feel best is right here, right now? Meaning that any focus outside of the moment creates confusion. If so, congratulations! You may have just cycled into another layer of your consciousness and be ready for a very new life experience.

I present all of this as speculation and inquiry because if I have not learned anything else in 2017, I have learned that every person on this planet knows just what is right for them. Each of us knows what rings true and where we are deceiving ourselves. We rarely listen to this voice though, because we have been taught not to. In 2018, if you do nothing else please trust yourself. Please find that space within you that knows. Don't be afraid that you will make a mistake. There are none. Trust that each moment that you offer what you know to be true FOR YOU will beget a life that reflects the truth OF YOU!.

Everything that is offered below is done so with the intention that you get to know YOU better than you ever have before!  Enjoy what serves you and I look forward to sharing a bit of 2018 with you!

Happy Holidays!​​​​​​

We're delighted to announce that the Awesomism Practitioner Process will finally be launched online (just in time to make a great Christmas present if you're looking for something truly original and life-changingl!).  

This comprehensive, updated version of the Practitioner Process includes the very best of all that Suzy has learned from the children, her personal in-depth integration process, the facilitation of hundreds of previous Awesomism Practitioners, and her interaction with thousands of clients internationally between 1999 and now.

We’re so excited about what this process offers and to be expanding the reach of Awesomism in a way that makes it more accessible to and affordable for everyone. We anticipate the classroom will be open within the next three weeks, so watch your inbox for that announcement!  Meantime if you're eager to find out what's involved. click the link below.
Private sessions are offered for 175.00 (typically 250.00) during the month of December. 

Sessions with Suzy support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration and awareness. Her perceptual lens allows you to be seen and heard in ways that allow your own wisdom to transform you from the inside, out! CLICK HERE for more information.

"A skilled shift in perception is all you need to live the life you really want to live!" - Suzy

 JANUARY 4th- MARCH 22nd
Have you been on a spiritual journey and know yourself to be more than just your body, mind and emotions, yet continue to find it hard to love and enjoy yourself, your experiences and life in general?

Did you experience childhood challenges and sensitivities that continue to play out as patterns in your current life?

​​​​​​​Are you ready to love yourself fully as you are, right here, right now?

This series is for all of you brave, gifted, highly sensitive souls who are willing to be all the love that you are and therefore live the potential that you knew could be when still in your innocence.  

CLICK HERE to learn more about this powerful program. 
Our next Monthly Balance and Integration Session will be held on DECEMBER 4TH at 9 AM PST.

Our topic for this session is "The Power of Your Innocence!"

There is an innocent yet powerful awareness hiding deep within each and every one of us. This is the awareness that we are meant to trust throughout our entire lives, yet we rarely do. It is the small but clear voice that we negate over and over as we adopt other people's perceptions of ourselves instead of trusting our own.

During this session, we will not only reclaim access to this clear inner voice, but also re-empower our innocence by learning to value and trust what we know to be true for ourselves! 

This session will offer practical ways to reconnect to the power of your innocence - to the part of you that knows what is true for you. It will also provide the energetic support to strengthen that connection so you can trust it everyday!

This session will focus on transformation at a physical level and provide energy work to support more ease and grace in your process!

We just completed the Stabilizing Your Life course and thought you might like to get a taste of what went on there!

Below, you'll find a link to a free audio sample of our last call, which provides insights regarding how to stabilize your life through Self love. It also addresses the dance of the masculine and feminine within.

We hope you enjoy it and look forward to connecting again soon!


The energy is shifting so rapidly and dramatically these days that it's not always easy to keep up.

To help you keep pace with the constant changes going on, we're producing a series of downloadable MP3s from the Pure Presence: Aligning to Self Balance and Integration Sessions.  

Our first one, Choice & Manifestation is available now in our Online Store.

This audio recording contains information about the energetics that are now available to us, and the new humans we are becoming in the process. Utilizing vocal toning, light language, and guided meditation, Suzy helps you access and integrate these new energetic patterns with greater ease!

$7.95 mp3 (58:07 minutes)​​​​​​​