Your Journey Back to Love Starts Soon- Register Here

Published: Thu, 12/07/17

Dear ,

I'd like to invite you to participate in the upcoming Journey Back to Love course. It's by far one of my favorite classes to facilitate for a number or reasons. This course calls to it those who not only want to grow in a deep love and understanding of themselves, but  also those ready to experience transformation in themselves and witness it in others.

This course offers one 'aha' moment after another and continues to evolve as the group does. Participants leave the twelve week process with greater clarity about their patterns, compassion for themselves and the courage to act from their new found awareness.

Sessions are held via zoom beginning January 4, 2018.
Registration is due by December 28, 2017

I look forward to seeing you there!

 Live your life fearlessly as the Love that you are, and nothing but love can come back to you!—Suzy Miller