What Does Your Child Really Need? Let's Find Out!

Published: Tue, 12/12/17


Are you ready to understand your child's needs and get the support to care for yourself in the process?

Regardless if your child is verbal, non-verbal or communicating somewhere in between, Suzy can connect directly with the part of them that knows what they need and provide the information they want to share along with easy to understand action steps.

You're children have much more to say than what you might suspect. Suzy can take the guess work out of trying to figure out what is truly supportive for your child and what is not.

Suzy's gifts of multidimensional sight and telepathic communication, provide a clear lens into the issues you may have been dealing with for a long time!

During the month of December she is offering a special rate of 175.00 (250.00 regular rate) for all private sessions. You may purchase as many sessions as you would like at this rate, however sessions must be used before June 30, 2018.

Regardless if you are looking to support your child, yourself or both of you, Suzy can assist in making 2018 the best year yet!

Sessions with Suzy offer transformational energy work and information regarding physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges as well as provide deep personal self awareness and insights into the deeper truth of you and your children. 

It's time to release those issues that have caused suffering and expand into a beautiful experience with your children!

The Team
"There are a lot of high vibrational guides out there assisting humanity to access the next level of consciousness. I continue to work with them myself, but Suzy Miller's energy field and access is very unique. I can truly say, one can only experience it.".- Susan 
"Thank you so much for the session. You're helping me towards a kind of freedom I never thought possible. Well, I guess I did on some level or I wouldn't have found you." - Marisa