January Newsletter 2018

Published: Tue, 01/02/18

News & Offerings
January 2018
Happy New Year ,

Welcome to 2018! I have to say that I was grateful to spend New Year's Eve in silent contemplation. It gave me the opportunity to review the internal transformations that took place throughout 2017, put some of the pieces of my life's puzzle together and consider what is true now. I hope, if you have not already had time to reflect, that you gift yourself with a review of all that has come to pass in this last year! You're remarkable and even a quick review will prove it!

Yes, indeed, our evolution is speeding up! Our skills, insights and experiences are quickening moment by moment and soon all that awareness is going to be called into action, but not until we get at least a glimpse of what we have evolved into. Who are you now? What is important? What are your innate gifts and talents? What do you love about yourself?

Like each of you, I have had one unique multidimensional experience after another, one opportunity to love beyond what I have been able to love before, and in 2017, one full circle moment after another!  If you're reading this, I know that 2017 was deeply transformative for you too. I know your awareness of yourself has expanded. I also suspect that it may still be challenging to find the words to explain your transformation to others and maybe even to yourself! You have become "new", but what does that mean?

For many of us the beginning of 2018 will give us the opportunity to stop just long enough to notice what we have become, review what we now have access to and witness just how significantly we have changed. Whatever "new" means to you will be determined by you and only you, because you are the only one awakening to YOU!

Enjoy your discovery!
Much Love,

PS: This newsletter offers a variety of opportunities to explore who you have become and to create from there! As always, I look forward to connecting with you this year and playing together in all that we have become!



Thanks to all who have been patiently waiting for the Awesomism Online Practitioner Process to go live! It's almost ready to go, so watch your inbox for the announcement. We promise it will be worth the wait!

This twenty-five module process includes:
  • Audio files with detailed information that the children have shared with Suzy over the last eighteen years.
  • Supplemental documents to deepen the information shared in the audio files.
  • Step-by-step energy work to support your opening to and integration of the information that the children want to share with you!
The main focus of this process is to:
  • Expand what you currently believe is possible when interacting with these children. 
  • Support your alignment to a deeper truth of YOU!
  • Open you to telepathic communication, intuitive insights and multidimensional realities to enhance your direct experience of what these children have to share!

Since the Galactic Center Integration session last month, it has been clear that many of you are now on a fast track. You are remembering and embodying more of the totality of Who You Are, not as a theory but as part of your human experience!

You may also be more acutely aware of personal and collective change at subtle levels and therefore more anxious and/or excited!

Through personal experience, it is evident that the process of integrating higher dimensional aspects of yourself rarely flows smoothly, because it is all new!

However, that is about to get a whole lot easier! Sometimes, just understanding what is happening as you integrate is enough to allow you to ease back into the process. Sometimes, just the right energetic redirection is all that is necessary to create flow again. 

For all who have become something new and know it, we've created a six week offering to support the understanding and integration of your awareness so that you can apply it in your human experience!
This series will:
  • Be held via teleconference from 9:00 -10:30 AM PST
  • Begin Friday January 19, 2018 
  • Run for six consecutive Fridays, ending on February 23, 2018
  • Include integrative energy work in each call
  • Address high frequency integration into, through, and as a human experience.
  • Offer insights related to what actually happens as your awareness and reality changes!
  • Provide time for Q and A
January 8, 2018 at 9:00 AM PST. 

Our topic for this session is really a question: What Are You Now?

For the last two years, we have been in a deep dismantling process of old beliefs and ways of being! The patterns that no longer serve have been let go either by will or by force. The beauty of this process is that we got to ask much deeper questions of Self and others and choose again. The greatest gift is that we each were offered the opportunity to surrender to that "something bigger" within us or, better stated, to what we have become!

This is wonderful because our new awareness of Self leads to new creations! So who are you now and what can you create from that awareness?

The energy work during this session will focus on integrating what we have become and jumpstarting our new creations!
Our next Journey Back to Love cycle begins on January 4. This cycle is twelve weeks long and held on Thursdays from 10:00- 11:30 AM Pacific time.

Are you looking for a higher order of love? 
Do you already know that the love you seek exists within you but don't quite know how to move self-love from theory to practical transformation? Do you simply want to release patterns that no longer serve you?  Are you interested in watching others grow in self love and allowing them to witness and reflect your transformation to being love?

If so, we would love to have you join us! Please register by January 3, 2018​​​​​​​