Ready to Integrate Your Galactic Self Into Your Human Experience?

Published: Sat, 01/13/18



If you opened this email, you already know or suspect that you're not from planet Earth and have come to support a shift in human consciousness. Regardless if you are well aware of your galactic roots or this is a suspicion slowly coming into your awareness, this offering may be just what's needed to ease into all that you are becoming!

As we integrate higher dimensional aspects of ourselves, there is a complete transformation of our physical, mental and emotional bodies. As we truly embody these galactic aspects, yes, we gain access to multidimensional gifts, however those gifts are rarely used consciously or for their intended purpose, until we are fully integrated! 

Through personal experience, it is evident that the process of interfacing higher dimensional aspects of self with our human experience rarely flows effortlessly. Imagine trying to merge two completely different operating systems into one functional being. It requires a little give and take to say the least!

I'd like to help make that process just a bit easier by providing information, awareness, integrative processes and the energetic support that I wish I had received along my journey through embodiment!  

Join me for the six week series beginning January 19, 2018.

​​​​​​​This series will:
  • Be held via teleconference from 9:00 -10:30 AM PST
  • Begin Friday January 19, 2018 
  • Run for six consecutive Fridays, ending on February 23, 2018
  • Include details specific to your integration process.
  • Supportive energy work in each call
  • Offer insights related to what actually happens to the physical, mental and emotional bodies as you integrate all that you are becoming!
  • Provide time for Q and A