Published: Mon, 01/29/18


I wanted you to be among the first to know that The Awesomism Online Practitioner Process is now available!  Over the years, we have had numerous requests from our world wide clients for an affordable and "time zone friendly" practitioner process and here it is!

This Process comprises two decades of energy, wisdom, and experience condensed into one well-laid out, easily accessible, online classroom. Awesomism Online is a self-paced Process that you can start at any time. A detailed description of what makes this process so unique can be found below!

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that those interested in this Process have been "called" by the children and I am very grateful to know that you are in the world supporting them. I also have no doubt that this Program can support you as you support them. You're really going to love it!

In Gratitude,



​​​​​​​ 25 Modules that each include: A video explaining the module’s focus; an audio file, which discusses the topic at hand; supplemental documents that include written transcripts of the audio file and, in some cases, articles to support the discussion. Certain modules provide integration sessions to build the energetic support necessary to truly embody the focus of the module

Energy work and integration sessions which are developmental in nature, meaning that they systematically build from one module to the next. They also serves as a direct and powerful transmissions, using spherical technology and clear intent to dynamically shift all aspects of Self that could limit connections to broader states of consciousness.

Interactive private FB group and monthly FB Live chats where key experiences and awareness can be shared, explored, and integrated with Suzy and others in the Process.

Downloadable audio file discussions, Integration Sessions and Supplemental Documents, with the energy work is in a separate file so it can be easily listened to whenever you need a boost.

Direction and support connecting to the Collective Consciousness of the Children so you can learn directly from them, what does and does not work for them.​​​​​​​


If you are interested in going through the Awesomism Practitioner Process with an approved  facilitator, you may want to consider the Level One Awesomism Practitioner process.

Level one, covers similar information to the Online Process, but is customized to the needs of the participants.

This process is facilitated by Terri Henderson through live teleconference calls.

​​​​​​​For further details and to determine which process best serves your needs, click the link below.


First Thursday of Every Month  7pm ET/4pm PT

Starting February 1st

​​​​​​​Hosted by Sandie Sedgbeer with regular guests Jim Self, Lee Harris and Suzy Miller

The Energy and Integration Series is an exciting new regular addition to host Sandie Sedgbeer's What Is Going Om Radio Show, in which three widely respected spiritual facilitators join her every month to share their insights, guidance, and up-to-the-minute interpretations of What’s Going Om energetically.

Hand-picked for their foresight, wisdom, and multidimensional communication skills, Jim Self, Lee Harris, and Suzy Miller have all successfully mastered living their lives in the physical world and the higher realms of consciousness – and helping others do the same.

So, if you’re committed to your evolution, but sometimes feel the energy is moving too rapidly to keep up, tune in to The Energy & Integration Series on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm Eastern time/4pm Pacific and get a higher perspective of what’s really going on and practical tools to help you stabilize and integrate the new energies so you can make the most of the opportunities they’re bringing.