It's Time to Shine!

Published: Sat, 02/10/18

Welcome to February! Can you feel that energy? Are you seeing yourself in a new light or being asked to consider a new (internal or external) direction?  Are you ready to jump, but don’t know where to?  Maybe you feel like you’re in a holding pattern or have to get something done before you can express yourself fully.
If you have been hiding or waiting, sensing that you have something to contribute to humanity, but are still unsure what it is or unable to believe what your internal guidance is telling you, it’s time to believe in yourself!  It’s time to let yourself imagine the possibilities that only you can dream into being. The only way to create without interference from past conditioning is to place your attention squarely on what you now desire. When your mind tells you a story, remind it that you have the desires that you do for a very good reason. What is good for you is good for humanity!

It’s time to give yourself the benefit of the doubt, embrace what you love, and what you know to be true, and to honor your fears in the process. You are the only one who can express the totality of you! If you don’t do it, who will? No one! Because no one else can express as you.

There is a unique aspect of each of us that I will refer to as our inner beauty. All other parts of us are dying so that our uniqueness can shine – meaning, that every single part of us that is not willing and able to shine dies off so that our unique inner beauty can light up our path!  Those deaths can be beautiful, or they can be painful depending on how we perceive the experience. We are designed to live our lives fully, and there are any number of reasons (excuses) why we can’t express as we would like.

If you’re not loving your life right now, I get it. We get so used to “working on ourselves” and convincing ourselves that, once we get to some destination, we will be ready, that we rarely raise our heads to notice the beauty we are capable of expressing right here, right now.

If we take the time to raise our heads up high in February, we will see that we have changed! We are new. We have already evolved, and we can give ourselves permission to love all that we see.

We can keep picking at old wounds, or stay in our heads, telling ourselves that we are not ready to express our inner beauty. We can cite all kinds of reasons why this is not our time to shine, but the truth is that we can express our unique beauty in each now moment if we choose. What we have become exists in every now moment! We just have to pay more attention to that than we do to those aspects of ourselves and collective human life that are dying off.

I’d like to suggest that any part of you that whispers or yells that there is more inner work to do before you can express your unique inner beauty may just be a head game. Truth is we will forever be gaining new awareness. We will never get it done, meaning that life is full of opportunities and it is a blessing that we are in a constant state of becoming. Life would be very boring otherwise!

Please don’t allow your constant quest to know yourself to be an excuse.  Give yourself permission to express all that you have become moment by moment. As challenging as life can seem at times, life is an opportunity; this is where we learn to love, play, express, and share what shines through us. Planet Earth is full of potential and possibilities, and we can add to that by expressing our inner beauty in every now moment.

February is a great month to love yourself enough to let yourself shine, no matter what life brings to you. Let yourself express all that you have become. Pay more attention to your current desires than to what you think you need to get rid of to bring those desires to fruition, and my sincere knowing is that you will be shining brightly in no time!
  • If you have already subscribed, we will see you on the call!
  • If not, continue reading for more information - and, if you would like to join us, CLICK HERE to subscribe!
  • You can join for as many month's as you would like, and unsubscribe at anytime!
  •  LIVE CALL: Access to live call where Suzy shares update and offers energy work to support the group collective. 
  • RECORDING: You have the entire month to re-listen to the recording or download it for your personal library. 
  • NOTES: You will receive notes during the month with highlights, reminders and supportive practices!
  • COMMUNITY: Invitation to Private Facebook Group with access to Suzy and other participants.

Remember Who You Are

  • Receive a message from broader aspects of your BEing designed to create conscious awareness of Who You Truly Are!

Be Who You Are

  • Experience simple energetic "technologies" and resources to support a shift from awareness to direct human experience, which offers the opportunity to confirm for yourself the truth of your Being!

Show Who You Are

  • The opportunity for collective human awakening has never been greater. You can now choose to respond as LOVE vs. react from fear right here right now! 

REMEMBER, BE and SHOW what is humanly possible!  

"I wouldn't miss this for anything. I always enjoy our time together and the energy that you and the participants brings is amazing. Very high vibrations!"
Malena Serra Santa Gadea

"It is through Awesomism that I found my true child, Sammie. She is not broken in any way. She is a grand and brave soul for incarnating just the way she is. "Fixing" her would have meant that she would have lost her true purpose here. Last couple of days I have found myself telling Sammie, "you are normal". And what's interesting is that I did not plan this from the mind but is a knowing from the heart that just feels so matter of fact. My daughter and others like her are truly amazing. "Gifted" does not even come close to describing who they truly are."
Susan Oros

"These sessions have brought such clarity and expansion into my life! Thank you Suzy Miller for all that you offer the world through the gift of being you, you are such an inspiration to me and many."
Shonna Ordway
"This is a great opportunity to participate in amazing, life-changing, work with a gifted professional."
Dot Irvin

"This beautiful lady here! Suzy Miller She is amazing!
She has been one of my most important mentors in BEing who I am at this present time and in having a loving understanding with Miguel even at time of challenges. I strongly recommend you all to this journey. It is indeed an amazing ride! And the awesomism community is worth to know and to be part of. It brought to my life unconditional friendship, spiritual growth and a diversity of connections that is a treasure to count with!!"
Fabiola Ana Torrez

"Suzy is great if anyone is interested in this sort of thing.I attended a conference that she held in San Diego on halloween weekend. So powerful!"
Marianne Brettell-Vaughn

"I have been studying under Suzy for well over two years. Words fail to express the inner and outer expansion I have experienced. Suffice to say, this new offering has my highest recommendation to anyone seeking a broader understanding of Self."
Terri Henderson

"I am so excited Suzy is offering her monthly energy sessions again! I am super excited how they are emphasized to assist as I step into Being my true self full of LOVE. Can't think of a better way to start the month of Love and continue being Love through 2016 and beyond."
Sharon Hall

"It's an exciting day! I highly recommend joining Suzy each month... I have learned SO MUCH more about who I truly am by spending time in her presence, wisdom and energy - truly life changing... and FUN"
Susan Pruyn