Exciting New Series with Suzy Miller Begins January 26th

Published: Mon, 01/09/17


  • Have you been on a spiritual journey and know yourself to be more than just your body, mind and emotions, yet continue to find it hard to love and enjoy yourself, your experiences and life in general?​​​​​​​
  • Have you had a variety of interesting, multidimensional experiences, yet continue to find it uncomfortable to be here on planet earth?
  • Did you experience childhood challenges and sensitivities that continue to play out as patterns in your current life?
​​​​​​​If these questions resonate with you, the first thing I want you to know is that you are not alone.  Experiences and states of being such as those described above are not uncommon; they stem from the separations that occur within various aspects of Self that are secondary to being programmed to focus in polarity rather than unity!

The second thing I want you to know is that if life has taught me anything, it is that we are gifted with one opportunity after another to love beyond what we thought we could love before.  If these opportunities had taught us consciously how to love ourselves and others, our lives would naturally and organically have become the full expression of the love that we are. This course was created specifically for those of us who were not reminded how to do this when we got here.

The third thing I want to share is that every single moment of our life experience truly is a gift of love and there is nothing - internal or external - that need separate you from giving and receiving love fully!

How can I say this with such certainty?  Because for most of my life, those three questions applied to me, too. 

This is why I am thrilled to offer THE JOURNEY BACK TO LOVE as part of the expression of my love for Self and for each of you!

This exciting new series offers what I call the Great Integration. It provides the opportunity to finally love ALL of your experiences (past, present and future) and all aspect of yourself that developed out of those experiences.  It's time that we give ourselves permission to merge our innocence and experience and once again express the Love that we are!

There has never been a better opportunity to merge all that you have learned on your spiritual journey with a genuine zest for life, living, and loving. 

Are you ready finally to be fearless, and remember how to be the Love-filled being that you have always been?  If so…you have come to the right place!


Click here to learn more about this series Learn More
Click here to register for the Journey Back to Love 