Gems to Support Your Journey Back to Love

Published: Fri, 03/17/17


In the Journey Back to Love series I share weekly "gems" that have positively impacted my journey. Love is always communicating with us, always asking us to see ourselves in a new light and to take a risk that we may not have been willing to take in the past! 

In his new book My Secret is Silence, Adyashanti writes of Love, our true nature and our capacity to shine the light of Love. From start to finish it is a great opportunity for inquiry, contemplation and asking the deeper questions! I Will Not Whisper is one of my favorites! I hope you enjoy it too.

Enjoy, Suzy

Poem by Adyashanti from
My Secret is Silence

I Will Not Whisper

I want to speak to you about Love
about how you deny yourself
its slightest entry
about how much you truly fear
Love’s silent embrace.

I want to talk to
about what you
will not allow yourself to see –
about that beauty inside
that you turn your face from.

Yes, I want to talk to you.
You who have somehow
found a way to hide
within a sliver of darkness
cast upon the pure light of Being.

I want to talk to you.
I will not whisper

You can live in that sliver of darkness forever
and tell yourself lies.
You can blame yourself.
You can blame others.
You can blame God and beyond.
And still that Love that you are will wait
until you can tell yourself
the lie of denial no more.

And at that very moment you will see
just how silent Love’s embrace can be.
And in that silence
the truth with ring clear.
Love demands everything:
all of your illusions
excuses and fears.

I want to speak to you about Love.
I want to talk to you about
What you will not allow
yourself to be.

I want to talk to you.
I will not whisper.

You can purchase My Secret is Silence HERE directly through his bookstore!