Free Pracitioner Process Level One Document

Published: Thu, 09/22/16

Understanding Your Child's Physical Experience of Awesomism Kids Document
We are gearing up for the next level one practitioner process and hope to see you there! There is so much fun information to share, amazing conversations to be had and energy to be exchanged! You can start now by checking out level one document below.


Suzy and Terri
As stated in previous documents, those diagnosed with autism and other conditions related to heightened energetic sensitivities have the majority of their focus in a higher dimensional experience (Descending perspective). Different children present with different degrees of integration in the physical body, however there are certain basic energetic “truths” related to the physical experience of this population.

Most of these children find it challenging to be integrated below the level of their heart chakras, thus there is an amazing sense of love that comes from them even though there is frequently limited physical connection. To be integrated to the level of the heart energy allows them to be in the body and connect where it feels good to do so but does not give them access to the lower three chakras and the distortions of the mental, emotional and physical experience. Being disconnected from the lower chakras is very purposeful on an energetic level as the lower two are very dense and not at all appealing to these high vibrational beings. There are however; the following physical experience ramification when not connected to the lower chakras.

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 For more information about the process and your facilitator, Terri Henderson CLICK HERE or listen to Suzy and Terri share about the Awesomism Level One Process in the  video below!

Registration due by Monday, September 26, 2016 

Awesomism is, and always has been, a unified field - a oneness. You’re dawn to it because you sense its capacity to strengthen that within you.”