November 2016 Monthly Energy Update

Published: Fri, 11/18/16

Hello (, 

Setting a Love-based Foundation
November 2016 Monthly Energy Update

Institutions rooted in a paradigm of limitation are crumbling. This offers an opportunity to create our realities on a foundation of love.

Suzy and Meredith clearly intend for this information to offer you a much broader perspective of Who You Are based on the current energetic patterns and the means to coherently integrate that awareness into your human experience – right here, right now!

Suzy’s skill set allows her to clearly experience the multi-dimensional mastery of any collective group so that that mastery can be consciously experienced and expressed by each participating individual. She does this by weaving together the best elements of each individual’s energy pattern into a collective tapestry or template that can be offered back to the whole group as information, guided meditation and vibrational experiences.

We hope you find this information helpful in uncovering both your mastery and your vulnerabilities. From this perspective, we need both in order to step into the new human template!


All past energetics have led up to this pivotal moment in time. Personally and collectively we have been breaking down the structures of our conditioned limitations and programming. Everything that has existed up until this point based on our programming is now getting dismantled.

It’s like we’ve taken a sledgehammer to concrete, breaking up the foundation of perceived limitations, and can now see the light of Who We Are shining through the cracks.

Our invitation and opportunity is to realize that the new reality of love already exists – not out there but within each of us.

We can take action to support the dismantling while nurturing the realization of a new love-based foundation by staying present in the body, letting go of the past, creating our own space and reorienting to our new reality.

As we place our awareness in the body, we direct all that we are into the cracks of the grand illusion of our limitations. This suggestion to stay present with our physicality and the human condition does not negate our avatarship, our galactic elements or our refined aspects.

We ARE all of our higher dimensional realities – in the body.

We can now be all of that in this reality. By focusing our awareness in our bodies, we plant seeds of higher consciousness that blossom as the reality of love right here, right now. Our bodies are the access points of Source consciousness through our human experience.

Other practical reasons to stay with body include greater stability and insight. Our very human reality is where all of the shifts and changes are taking place. We won’t notice those changes or have insights into them if we are out in some other galaxy. The physical body also offers a sense of grounding, presence and stability within the new reality that is being created!

Aside from the body’s significant role in setting a love-based foundation, we can support the process by letting go of the past. Remember that most of the prior realities were created on a foundation of limitation and fear-based programming.

Willingly let go of creations, stories, relationships and identities rooted in limitation.

Trust that whatever leaves your experience makes way for a more expanded, loving and light-filled reality.

Since nature abhors a vacuum, include a process for creating your space as you let go of mental, emotional and physical experiences based on limitation. Imagine that personally and collectively we are building a new, lush, brilliant reality. Allow yourself to imagine your personal, unique utopia.

You cannot think this into being, but you can feel it into your reality. Imagine how you would feel in your own personal utopia.

There is so much more available to you now that limitation and programming are dismantled. From this new platform of love, create your utopia then go one step further.

Move into that space you created with all the beauty, possibility and potential of your higher self.

Take any action, no matter how small, toward bringing that reality into your day-in-day out life. Watch how responsive the outer landscape is to your inner reality.

These times are rich with possibility because of this ever-emerging foundation of love; therefore the seeding of a new reality will happen in your life experience very quickly.

Love has been the innate nature of our souls and our planet. As prototypes of a new humanity, we are now reorienting around that reality based on the information that we hold.

We can experience, express and demonstrate the refined energy of love as never before.

Collective humanity is disillusioned with the programming that would have us believe we are victims or that we are less than the love we came here to be. We are all feeling called to reorient to something new beyond this grand illusion.

Plug in to the program of love that you are. Your personal reality holds the potential and possibility for the collective. There is no separation between your personal expression of love and the collective’s.

Be inside, with yourself, in your body. Create your reality there. Allow yourselves to be in a reality that nurtures you. Choose to reorient to the love that you are now, in this new moment. Call on love as the wisdom from which you create and express.

Love wants to refine and redefine you. Enjoy the process! 

  • If you have already subscribed, we will see you on the call!
  • If not, continue reading for more information - and, if you would like to join us, CLICK HERE to subscribe!
  • You can join for as many month's as you would like, and unsubscribe at anytime!
  •  LIVE CALL: Access to live call where Suzy shares update and offers energy work to support the group collective. 
  • RECORDING: You have the entire month to re-listen to the recording or download it for your personal library. 
  • NOTES: You will receive notes during the month with highlights, reminders and supportive practices!
  • COMMUNITY: Invitation to Private Facebook Group with access to Suzy and other participants.

Remember Who You Are

  • Receive a message from broader aspects of your BEing designed to create conscious awareness of Who You Truly Are!

Be Who You Are

  • Experience simple energetic "technologies" and resources to support a shift from awareness to direct human experience, which offers the opportunity to confirm for yourself the truth of your Being!

Show Who You Are

  • The opportunity for collective human awakening has never been greater. You can now choose to respond as LOVE vs. react from fear right here right now! 

REMEMBER, BE and SHOW what is humanly possible!  

"I wouldn't miss this for anything. I always enjoy our time together and the energy that you and the participants brings is amazing. Very high vibrations!"
Malena Serra Santa Gadea

"It is through Awesomism that I found my true child, Sammie. She is not broken in any way. She is a grand and brave soul for incarnating just the way she is. "Fixing" her would have meant that she would have lost her true purpose here. Last couple of days I have found myself telling Sammie, "you are normal". And what's interesting is that I did not plan this from the mind but is a knowing from the heart that just feels so matter of fact. My daughter and others like her are truly amazing. "Gifted" does not even come close to describing who they truly are."
Susan Oros

"These sessions have brought such clarity and expansion into my life! Thank you Suzy Miller for all that you offer the world through the gift of being you, you are such an inspiration to me and many."
Shonna Ordway
"This is a great opportunity to participate in amazing, life-changing, work with a gifted professional."
Dot Irvin

"This beautiful lady here! Suzy Miller She is amazing!
She has been one of my most important mentors in BEing who I am at this present time and in having a loving understanding with Miguel even at time of challenges. I strongly recommend you all to this journey. It is indeed an amazing ride! And the awesomism community is worth to know and to be part of. It brought to my life unconditional friendship, spiritual growth and a diversity of connections that is a treasure to count with!!"
Fabiola Ana Torrez

"Suzy is great if anyone is interested in this sort of thing.I attended a conference that she held in San Diego on halloween weekend. So powerful!"
Marianne Brettell-Vaughn

"I have been studying under Suzy for well over two years. Words fail to express the inner and outer expansion I have experienced. Suffice to say, this new offering has my highest recommendation to anyone seeking a broader understanding of Self."
Terri Henderson

"I am so excited Suzy is offering her monthly energy sessions again! I am super excited how they are emphasized to assist as I step into Being my true self full of LOVE. Can't think of a better way to start the month of Love and continue being Love through 2016 and beyond."
Sharon Hall

"It's an exciting day! I highly recommend joining Suzy each month... I have learned SO MUCH more about who I truly am by spending time in her presence, wisdom and energy - truly life changing... and FUN"
Susan Pruyn