Published: Fri, 11/18/16

Greetings ,

We wanted to give you another chance to view the entire online summit for FREE and it's going to happen this weekend. The entire weekend, all day both Saturday and Sunday, you can watch any or all of the 20 speakers that made up the Awaken to Autism Summit.  It's our way of spreading more love and allowing some catch up days to review or watch those that you missed.
We love how the summit message came together so well. We hope parents can walk away with the following: 
  • A new lens to view autism - one where the awe of these children is embraced
  • A new understanding of the very real potential and possibilities this population carries
  • Practical take home tools for parents to implement immediately to help themselves and their children
Please take this opportunity to revisit the Awaken to Autism Summit. It was a mission of love and it is our heartfelt intention that your lives will be changed because of it.
We will offer the entire summit for purchase for those that chose.  All 20 video and audio files can be owned and downloaded for a nominal fee of $97 during this open access weekend.

Here's to the start of an entirely new autism paradigm - where love and acceptance rule!  Watch your email tomorrow for directions to access the "weekend pass"!
All our love,

Andrea and Nguyen

Click link to register and access all speakers' recordings: REGISTER HERE 

Let's turn Autism into Awesomism!