🐕 Meet Yuki the Shiba Inu

Published: Sat, 10/08/16

Pets of AWeber
Has more Instagram followers than you

Breed Shiba Inu
Home Sellersville, PA
Hobbies Chasing water, playing fetch, destroying everything, stealing treats, looking handsome & traveling

Yuki has been a part of his family since he was 9 weeks old. With his big sister passing and his Uncle Kaos moving to a new town, he is happy to expand his domain within the house.
Chasing water from the hose is one of his all time favorite activities. With that in mind, you might not expect to hear the ear shattering "Shiba Screams" that happen at bathtime. He is also a master toy destroyer. If there is a squeker or noise maker in a toy, the toy will have a hole and the squeker removed in no time.
Yuki is also pretty popular, having made friends at his favorite stops including Concord Pet, Unleashed, PetSmart, & Columbus Farmer's Market. I mean who doesn't want to pet that face?
You can follow him @yuki_koinu on Instagram or @yukikoinu on Facebook

Yuki in the snow
Yuki running with a stick
Yuki in trouble

Yuki's best friend is Jeni who is an amazing customer solutions specialist at AWeber.
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