Shocking Truths About Extended School Year

Published: Thu, 03/09/17

Are you happy your child will be getting ESY services this summer?  
​​​​​​​Does the District say your child doesn't qualify for ESY?

Is he/she getting what the District typically offers everyone that gets Extended School Year services?  Did you know that these services are suppose to be individualized?  What if your child needs more than 4 weeks of services this summer?  What if your child needs services in August before school starts?

Get answers to these questions and more, tonight, Thursday, March 9th.  You'll also learn some shocking truths about ESY...

Tune in at 7:00pm Mtn. time on Thursday, March 9th!

Hear the inside scoop on our upcoming Facebook live show, The Art of Advocacy.

Set your phone alarm for Thursday, March 9th at 7:00pm Mtn. Time.

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