Do You Know What's Missing in Your Child's IEP?

Published: Wed, 07/19/17

I know you just want to be a parent and not have to do all this advocacy stuff.

Unfortunately, when you have a child that receives special education services, you have to be more than just a parent.

The Good News: The more effective you are as an advocate,
the more your child wins!

I'm excited to announce a new opportunity for you!​​​​​​​

Believe me, this Challenge is something I could have used when my son was born.

Do You Know How To Find What’s Missing In Your Child’s IEP?

Could You Use New Tips On How To Express Your Point of View During IEP Meetings?

Do You Know How To Make Sure Your Input Is Actually Written In The IEP?


Just imagine experiencing a new way to get what your child needs,
won’t that be fantastic?

You Can With This Fun Learning Challenge!    
You'll Discover:

 What’s Actually in Your Child’s IEP And What’s Missing

How to Craft Your Input And Get It Written In The IEP
This Is What I’ll Get
How This Will Help Me

Daily awesome advocacy action steps that will take just 15 – 20 minutes to do.

I’ll Kick-start the new school year and get more positive results for my child.
Private Facebook community.

Yes! I’ll get individual help from Charmaine Thaner, a professional advocate.

There’ll be a supportive, safe community to ask questions and get new ideas from Charmaine and other parents like me!

Daily Facebook live show exclusive for challenge members, at noon Mtn. time
(2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT)

Replays will be available, immediately after the live show.

Daily live shows will be about that day's specific challenge.

I’ll get a chance to ask MY questions and get answers from Charmaine.

On the replay, I can still ask MY questions, because Charmaine comes back and answers them!

The Challenge Facebook Live shows will give me more juicy info about that day’s topic.
Fabulous Masterclass on Friday, August 4th tie things together AND get more BONUS advocacy tips!
BONUS advocacy strategies you can put to use right away.

Wow!  I can’t believe I’ll get this awesome Masterclass for FREE!  I can’t wait to get even more expert tips from Charmaine.
Go ahead and tell yourself,
"The IEP Scavenger Hunt is a FREE 5 Day Challenge that will start me on my way to being an even more effective advocate for my precious child!

I’ll be saying how proud I am of myself for taking the time to learn some new Ninja advocacy tips!"

Now, you may be wondering who your IEP Scavenger Hunt Guide will be?  Meet Charmaine Thaner, parent, retired teacher, author, and professional advocate.
I’m a mom of three kids.  Our younger son, Dylan happens to have a disability so I know what it’s like to be a parent that has to speak up for my child.  Even though I was a special education teacher when Dylan was born, I quickly found out I needed to know how to do this whole advocacy thing.

My passion now is to I help parents of children with disabilities get the education their child deserves, so their child is happy, safe, and learning with friends at school.

I do this by helping you be more confident, prepared, and empowered, by giving you tips, strategies, and concrete advocacy action steps to take. I have a variety of ways that I do this:

            *hosting engaging weekly Facebook live shows at Visions and Voices Together

            *writing useful blog posts on my website

            *working directly with parents

            *encouraging parents to read my #1 Best Selling book:
              The Art of Advocacy: A Parent’s Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process​​​​​​​

I thought it would be super fun to have an…

Go ahead and click this link to join the challenge

If you have any questions about the challenge, just hit reply to this email.  I read all my emails and respond to them.  

See you in the IEP Scavenger Hunt! 
P.S. Share this email with friends and invite them to join the IEP Scavenger Hunt with you!  We need to get more parents to be even more effective advocates so we can make GREATER CHANGE!  Don't you agree?
Let's Stay Connected!

[email protected]        208.340.5874
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